Russia: Baghdad informed us of Washington’s readiness to withdraw its forces from Iraq

by time news



/ The special envoy of the Russian President for the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev, said that Iraq informed the Russian side of the United States’ readiness to withdraw its forces from Iraq.

In an interview with Novosti, Lavrentiev said that the question now is how long this will take and how the process of withdrawing American military personnel will take place.

He added, “Our Iraqi colleagues told us about this matter, and they informed us that the American ambassador in Baghdad announced his country’s readiness to implement this measure – to meet the request of the Iraqi side, which was confirmed by a parliamentary decision. For my part, I asked our Iraqi friends in particular whether their request had been rejected, and they answered that the United States agreed.” .

According to the Russian envoy, the Iraqi side confirmed that it is ready to maintain order throughout Iraq practically, and does not need external military support.

Regarding the American withdrawal, Lavrentiev said: “This could happen within a month or two, as happened in Afghanistan, or it could extend for years, and it could be done in a way in which military units are withdrawn and security forces from private companies are deployed in their place. Thus, it will seem that there is no “There are foreign military units, but there will be a foreign military presence.”

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