Russia-China, Putin meets Wang Yi: “New milestones in relations”

by time news

“Russian-Chinese relations are developing as we had planned in the past years, everything is moving forward and developing. We are reaching new milestones.” This was stated by Vladimir Putin in his meeting with Wang Yi, according to reports from Tass. At the beginning of the conversation with the head of Chinese diplomacy on a mission to Moscow, the Russian president said he wanted to take the opportunity to “send best wishes to our, my friend, the President of the People’s Republic of China, Comrade Xi Jinping” .

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Earlier, Wang Yi held talks with Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

MEETING WITH LAVROV – Moscow and Beijing are ready to “defend mutual interests” on the international scene, Lavrov said in a meeting with the Chinese diplomatic chief. “Our relations are developing steadily and dynamically and, despite the high turbulence on the world stage, we demonstrate solidarity and readiness to defend each other’s interests based on respect for international law and the central role of the United Nations,” he said Lavrov, according to RIA Novosti.

“Despite the volatile international situation, China and Russia always maintain strategic determination, move steadfastly and confidently in line with the formation of a multipolar world, and remain committed to multipolarity,” Wang Yi added.

In the statement released today by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, on the meeting yesterday in Moscow between Wang Yi and the head of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, we read that China and Russia “oppose the introduction of a cold war mentality” and “resist any form of unilateral bullying”.

“The parties discussed the international strategic situation, expressed their common willingness to put multilateralism into practice – reads the statement – resisting any form of unilateral bullying, promoting the democratization of international relations and a multipolar world”.

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