Russia halted gas supplies to Finland; Finland: “We will manage without it”

by time news

The Russian gas company Gazprom announced yesterday that it has decided to stop supplying gas to Finland because it refuses to pay in rubles. In fact, none of the countries that receive gas from Russia pays in rubles, and yet, Russia continues to supply gas to all countries as it was before the outbreak of the war, except Poland and Bulgaria where gas supplies were stopped as early as last month.

Russia halted gas supplies to Finland, the decision to halt gas to Finland unlike other countries.

Russia’s pledge, in response to Finland’s decision to join NATO, promptly prompted Finland to take appropriate response, including tactical military measures, which it would have to take in the face of the threat posed by the border with Finland. Russia demanded from all countries it supplies. Gas, pay in rubles to increase the value of the Russian currency.

In fact, none of the countries receiving gas from Russia switched to paying in rubles, but Russia only punished Finland for wanting to join NATO. Poland and Bulgaria also stopped receiving gas from Russia, and since then they receive the gas through neighboring countries that receive it for the most part from Russia.

Following the Russian announcement, the Finnish government made it clear that it had taken such a step ahead of Russia, and that Finland would be able to get along easily without continuing to supply gas from Russia.

As far as is known, Russia does provide Finland with about two-thirds of its annual gas consumption, but the Finnish economy is dependent on gas at a very low rate, and about eight percent of Finland’s energy economy is based on gas, so Russian damage to the Finnish economy is minimal.

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