Russia lets bombers practice patrols over Belarus

by time news

Russia wants to know Switzerland’s position on security in Europe and the eastward expansion of NATO. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sent a letter to Federal President Ignazio Cassis on Friday. The foreign department is now clarifying the questions.

Federal President Ignazio Cassis received a corresponding letter from the Russian Foreign Minister, said Valentin Clivaz, Deputy Head of Media in the Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA), on Friday of the Keystone-SDA news agency. The EDA thus confirmed a report by the “Tages-Anzeiger”.

In the letter, Lavrov explained Russia’s ideas about a European security order. On Friday, Russia and China released a statement in which the countries called for an end to eastward enlargement and a waiver of Ukraine’s inclusion in the military alliance.

Lavrov then sent a letter to the foreign ministers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Switzerland is a member of the OSCE. In the letter, Lavrov urges foreign ministers to provide answers to Moscow’s questions about security in Europe. They should explain how the principle of “indivisible security” should be guaranteed in Europe. What is meant by this is that the security of one country should not be guaranteed at the expense of the interests of another state.

“The interpretation of this security regulation is a matter for the OSCE,” said Federal President Cassis on Saturday on Radio SRF’s “Samstagsrundschau” program. This safety regulation has been in place for almost 50 years. If their interpretation in the OSCE is unclear, a dialogue about it must be started within the OSCE.

Archive image: Keystone

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