Russia maintains the offensive against Kiev from towns near the capital | Argentina and 140 other countries voted in favor of ending the Russian invasion in Ukraine

by time news

Russia’s offensive in Ukraine focused on advancing on the capital with attacks on nearby towns. Fighting also continued in Kharkov, the country’s second largest city, and in Berdyansk, south of the city of Mariupol. The emergency service of the former Soviet republic announced that in the last seven days of conflict more than two thousand Ukrainian civilians have died. While the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced that it will open an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine.

Bombing near Kiev

Seven days after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory, the Kremlin troops continue to approach Kiev. In Borodyanka, about 60 kilometers northwest of the capital’s center, attacks were recorded against a block of residential buildings, as reported by Sergiy Kyslytsya, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine. While in Zhitomir, about 140 kilometers west of the capital, there was also shelling by Russian forces as reported by the Reuters agency. Damage to houses and vehicles was also reported from the Russian strikes some 140 kilometers north of Kiev, in the town of Kyinka near the city of Chernigov.

Live. Russia – Ukraine: how the conflict continues, minute by minute

In this way, Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko claimed that Russian forces are approaching the capital. “Friends. Dear people of Kiev. The enemy is concentrating his forces closer and closer to the capital,” Klitschko said. In his message he also gave an account of the attacks near the international cargo airport in Gostomel, which a few days ago the Russian forces had assured that they had under his control. “We are preparing and we will defend Kiev!”warned Klitschko, who called on the population not to believe the “many lies” spread by the “enemy.” In the Ukrainian capital, war tanks have been part of the daily life since last week while the forces of the former Soviet republic prepare for an attack from Moscow.. The population that did not leave the country remains sheltered in basements and in subway stations. The city maintains a curfew from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.

Attacks in southern Ukraine

The city of Kherson, with access to the Black Sea and more than 280,000 inhabitants, is in dispute between Moscow and Kiev. On the one hand, the Russian army said they had taken control of the southern city. “Units of the Russian Armed Forces have taken complete control of the capital of Kherson province,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in the morning. Although a few minutes before the mayor Igor Kolikhayev indicated that Ukraine maintained control of that town that in the last hours suffered bombings in the suburbs and in the city.

In Kharkov, the second most populous city in the country, the bombings continued, according to an adviser to the Ministry of the Interior, Anton Garashchenko. “There is not a place in Kharkov where bombs have not fallen”, he claimed. While the port of Berdyansk, with more than 100,000 inhabitants and located on the shores of the Azov Sea, is already under Russian control. Some 80 kilometers to the north, in the port city of Mariupol, also with access to Azov, Russia maintains the military offensive.

Russia and its first casualty report

For the first time since the invasion of Ukraine began, the Russian Defense Ministry reported deaths on its side. According to a ministry statement, 498 Russian soldiers were killed as well as about 1,597 soldiers wounded. Although according to the reports of the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Malyar, Moscow’s military casualties amount to 5,840 soldiers. Konashenkov assured that the casualties in the Ukrainian forces reach 2,870 with more than 3,500 wounded. Furthermore, he reported that Russia destroyed 1,533 military targets, including 54 control and communications centers, 39 anti-aircraft missile systems and 52 radars.

On the other hand, today the Ukrainian emergency service reported the death of more than two thousand civilians. “Children, women and defense forces are losing their lives every hour”warned the agency in a statement where they also account for destruction of houses, hospitals, kindergartens, transport facilities caused by the Russian attack. The United Nations confirmed the death of 227 civilians, as well as 525 wounded, although it noted that the number could be much higher.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced the opening of an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine. “I have just notified the ICC Presidency of my decision to immediately proceed with active investigations into the situation in Ukraine,” prosecutor Karim Khan wrote.

More than 800 thousand refugees from the war

In this context, they are already more than 874 thousand people who left Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian military offensive, according to the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which added that the figure could increase to one million in the next few hours. The organization’s spokeswoman, Shabia Mantoo, said that the humanitarian organization had estimated that up to four million people could leave Ukraine, but that they continue to evaluate this forecast. According to UNHCR numbers, 454,000 people who left the former Soviet republic took refuge in Poland; more than 116,300 in Hungary and more than 79,300 in Moldova. Another 67,000 went to Slovakia and 69,000 more to other European countries. Russia for its part received 42,900 people.

UN Resolution

the international community demanded the cessation of the Russian invasion in Ukraine and the withdrawal of troops from the Russian Federation. The resolution of the UN General Assembly had 141 votes in favor, including that of Argentina, 5 against and 35 abstentions. Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria voted against, while, among others, China, Bolivia, Cuba, El Salvador, India, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Nicaragua and Pakistan abstained.

The text of the resolution, promoted by the EU and Ukraine deplores in the strongest terms the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of Article 2 of the UN Charter which prohibits the threat or use of force. It also urges all members to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of any State.

“The Argentine Republic condemns the invasion of Ukraine and reiterates to the Russian Federation that it immediately cease the illegitimate use of force, as well as military operations on Ukrainian territory,” the Argentine ambassador to the United Nations said yesterday. Maria del Carmen Squeffin a message of just under six minutes, before casting his vote.

While the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, spoke to the French in a speech in which He criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, although he said he is committed to maintaining contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he wants to convince to “relinquish arms.”. Macron also said that Europe is witnessing a “change of era” and acknowledged that the conflict will affect the daily lives of citizens. “Economic growth will be affected” and “gasoline prices and heating bills may rise in France,” he said, warning about the arrival of refugees in the European country.

While the Israeli prime minister, Naftali Benet, spoke today by telephone with the president of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, and shortly after he spoke with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, although the content of those dialogues did not come out. This Thursday a second round of negotiations between Kiev and Moscow is expected on the border between Poland and Belarus. The Kremlin adviser and head of the delegation, Vladimir Medinski, said that “immediate ceasefire” is still a viable option, although the parties maintain their differences.

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