Russia NATO War Switzerland, fear of Russia is increasing in Europe, this country of the world is going to change its policy after 500 years! – Switzerland mulls ending 500 years old neutrality policy amid animosity between Russia and Europe

by times news cr

2024-09-03 13:03:29
Burn: In view of the growing hostility between Russia and Europe, Switzerland may change its policy of neutrality on global conflicts. In its report, the country’s study commission has asked the government to reconsider its centuries-old stance on defense matters. Experts have encouraged the Swiss government to work with the European Union and NATO on a ‘shared defense capability’. Switzerland has maintained a policy of neutrality for more than 500 years (since 1515). The report presented by a group of experts recommends a change in this policy.
According to the Firstpost report, this report presented by the country’s study commission states that the policy of neutrality has become a subject of political debate since the Russian attack on Ukraine. Pressure is also mounting on Switzerland to clarify its position. Switzerland’s neutrality has had a negative impact on the country’s arms sales. This puts the European nation in a complicated position to defend itself, while it is surrounded by two sides with which it has nothing to do. The report says that after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Sweden and Finland abandoned their neutrality and joined NATO. Switzerland should also think about this.

Recommendation in the report- Increase arms export, become a part of NATO

One of the recommendations made to the government in this report is to allow the export of weapons. The report says that Switzerland’s arms exports have fallen by 27 percent last year compared to 2022 and are less than 700 million Swiss francs. The major reason for this decline is the country’s strict arms export policies. The country bans the sale of weapons to any country involved in the war. The report urges that the export ban should be lifted. Experts said that the country needs to gain access to the weapons programs of the European Union and NATO to boost its arms industry.

The report also emphasises that Switzerland must move out of its neutral status and build ties with the EU and NATO. Interestingly, this report comes just months after the Swiss Federal Council indicated its willingness to engage with both NATO and the EU on security and defence.

The report says that the European nation Switzerland has kept itself out of conflicts but in recent years has become a target of fake information, espionage and cyber attacks. In such a situation, Switzerland should move towards global defense. This means that attention should be paid to preparing the entire society for a possible conflict. This report has been submitted to the government.

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