Russia summons French ambassador

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23h32 : France is considering sending new Caesar cannons to Ukraine, the centerpiece of French artillery, Emmanuel Macron said after the first meeting of the European Political Community. The topic will be discussed by EU countries at an informal summit tomorrow in Praguehe says.

22h22 : Our journalist Agnès Vahramian went as close as possible to the fighting in eastern Ukraine, on the new front line, beyond the reconquered town of Lyman. Ukrainian soldiers monitor Russian positions there using drones.

22h16 : The challenge rises in Russia against the military command. More and more testimonies are emerging in the ranks of the new mobilized, sometimes left to their own devices, saying they have to buy their food and some of their equipment with their own means. At the end of the chain, the one who is targeted is the Minister of Defense Sergeï Choïgou.

21h23 : @Jean : This eighth package of sanctions against Moscow, which entered into force today, is a response to “the annexation of Ukrainian territories after sham ‘referendums’, the mobilization of additional troops and the threat of openly brandished nuclear weapons”according to the European Commission.

9:20 p.m : @Jean : The train of sanctions has indeed arrived at the station. The new trade restrictions imposed on Russia were published in the Official Journal of the EU, as was the extension of the list of people subject to asset freezes and travel bans in the EU.

9:20 p.m : Hello, I am surprised not to be able to read an article concerning the 8th wave of sanctions against Russia from Europe. In one of your articles, it was a question of having this information today. Cordially,

18h32 : Two guests on the franceinfo “Talk” set, currently on Twitch. Exiled Russian journalist Denis Kataev and academic Françoise Daucé discuss how Russians view the ongoing conflict and growing divisions within the population. You can ask them your questions live.

17h07 : The Ukrainian counter-offensive also led to advances in the East. But this dazzling breakthrough leaves behind it devastated towns and villages, particularly in the region of Izioum.

A house in Yatskivka, near Izium, after the Ukrainian bombardments.  (OMAR OUAHMANE / RADIO FRANCE) (OMAR OUAHMANE / RADIO FRANCE)

17h06 : Ukraine claims to have taken over more than 400 km2 of territory occupied by Russia in the Kherson region in less than a week, according to a spokeswoman for the military command in the south of the country.

15h38 : Leaders of the European Political Community (EPC) are holding their first summit at Prague Castle this afternoon. What are the topics on the table? How will the presence of countries like the United Kingdom or Turkey be managed? What are the longer term goals? We answer four questions about this meeting.

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron upon his arrival at Prague Castle, Czech Republic, on October 6, 2022. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP) (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

15h19 : Statement by @EmmanuelMacron on his arrival at the Summit of the European Political Community.#EPC

15h19 : Emmanuel Macron believes that the new European Political Community, which is meeting for the first time today, sends a message “of European unity” as the continent is rocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Upon his arrival in Prague, he also stressed the importance of “European solidarity” in the face of the energy crisis.

14h55 : And there, I see the question coming: is France well within the nails of this low-carbon strategy that it has set itself? The answer is no. My colleague Camille Adaoust demonstrated this well here, at the time of COP26, the last UN climate conference.

14h27 : Bonjour @cyclo_ecolo. The European Political Community (EPC), which holds its first meeting today in Prague, brings together the 27 Member States plus 17 others, including Turkey, Switzerland and Ukraine. “It makes a very disparate set and it’s a bit the limit of the exercise”explains Sébastien Maillard, director of the Jacques Delors Institute.

14h27 : Hello Marie-Violette. Who are the 40 European nations meeting in Prague today? The 27 of the EU? The United Kingdom ? Switzerland ? Small countries like Monaco, the Vatican or Liechtenstein? Are there also Asian countries like Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan?

14h09 : It’s 2 p.m., we take stock of the news:

• The government presents its energy sobriety plan. The objective is to reduce France’s energy consumption by 10% in two years and, in the meantime, to ensure that the country goes through the winter without gas or electricity cuts. Follow our live.

• The French Annie Ernaux, author of more than thirty books, received the Nobel Prize for Literature. The jury hailed “courage and clinical insight” of his works.

• The anti-terrorism investigating judges in charge of the investigation into the assassination of Samuel Paty have completed their investigations, learned France Télévisions from the lawyer for the victim’s family and from a judicial source, confirming information from the AFP.

•Ukraine again accuses Russia of strikes on the town of Zapporijjia, which left at least one dead and seven injured. Follow our live.

12h33 : The toll of the bombardments in Zaporizhia has been revised downwards. While previously reporting two people killed, the region’s government said that“a woman is dead” and another “was saved” by doctors. Seven other people were injured, including a 3-year-old child.

12h15 : It’s time to take stock of the news.

• The French government presents its energy sobriety plan. The objective is to reduce France’s energy consumption by 10% in two years and, in the meantime, to ensure that the country goes through the winter without gas or electricity cuts. Follow our live.

• The website of the Arabic-language channel al-Alam of the official Iranian television broadcast what it presents as “confession” spying on two Frenchmen arrested in May in Iran.

Ukraine again accuses Moscow of strikes on Zapporijjia which left at least two dead. Follow our live.

• The strike movement, which began last Tuesday in the TotalEnergies refineries, continues, learned franceinfo from Eric Sellini, CGT coordinator for the group. According to his information, four of the five refineries operated by Total are shut down. Only the Donges refinery, in Loire-Atlantique, is not on strike.

• At least 32 people, including 23 children, died in the attack on a nursery in northern Thailand. The main suspect, a 34-year-old former police officer, then killed his wife and their child before committing suicide.

10h08 : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed progress on Wednesday evening “powerful” of his army in southern Ukraine. But, “we must not fall into blissful optimism either”tempered on franceinfo General Jean-Paul Paloméros, former NATO commander for the transformation of military capabilities and former chief of staff of the air force. “There is still resistance” from the Russians and the task of the Ukrainians “is very difficult”he explained.

10h06 : At least two people have died and five are missing after strikes on the city of Zaporizhia in southeastern Ukraine, the region’s governor, Oleksandre Staroukh, said on Thursday. According to him, seven strikes by Russian forces targeted “high-rise buildings”. Rescue operations are still ongoing.

09h04 : Here is the point on the news of the middle of this morning.

• The French government presents its energy sobriety plan. The objective is to reduce France’s energy consumption by 10% in two years and, in the meantime, to ensure that the country goes through the winter without gas or electricity cuts. Follow our live.

• Sometimes mocked by the President of the Republic, often ignored and watered down by the government, the work of the 150 citizens drawn by lot for the Citizens’ Climate Convention has seen its relevance renewed in the midst of the energy crisis. Some of its proposals are now reconsidered to deal with the energy crisis.

Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that the military situation is “stabilize” in the Ukrainian territories of which he claims the annexation, but where his forces suffer a series of setbacks against the Ukrainian army.

• The strike movement, which began last Tuesday in the TotalEnergies refineries, continues, learned franceinfo from Eric Sellini, CGT coordinator for the group. According to his information, four of the five refineries operated by Total are shut down. Only the Donges refinery, in Loire-Atlantique, is not on strike.

07h47 : We start with the traditional update on the news.

• The French government presents its energy sobriety plan. The objective is to reduce France’s energy consumption by 10% in two years, and in the meantime, to ensure that the country goes through the winter without gas or electricity cuts. Follow our live.

• The State has called for the “solidarity” gas and electricity suppliers with companies. He also promised to provide his guarantee to facilitate the signing of contracts, in a context of “outrageous prices”. The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire had accused the main energy companies of “not playing the game” by inflating the prices offered to SMEs.

Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that the military situation is “stabilize” in the Ukrainian territories of which he claims the annexation, but where his forces suffer a series of setbacks against the Ukrainian army.

• A sea serpent? After the evacuation of the main camp of crack users in the capital, the town hall of Paris deplored a lack of support “global” drug addicts and says he fears a “reporting the problem to other sectors” from the city.

• Saved several times by goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma, PSG drew at Benfica Lisbon (1-1). The two teams retain the lead in Group H of the Champions League and will meet on Tuesday for the start of the second leg.

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