Russia suspends its participation in the agreement allowing the export of Ukrainian cereals

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18h41 : “It is vital that all parties refrain from any action that would jeopardize the Black Sea grain deal”said in a press release the spokesman for the Secretary General of the United Nations, Stéphane Dujarric, stressing that this agreement had a “impact positif” for access to food for millions of people around the world.

18h41 : The United Nations calls for everything to preserve the agreement on Ukrainian grain exports, after the announcement by Russia that it was suspending its participation due to the attack of drones which targeted its ships in Crimea.

18h04 : It’s 6 p.m., we’re making a new point on the news:

Russia will suspend its participation in the agreement allowing the export of Ukrainian cereals, kyiv denounces a “false pretense” and calls on Moscow to “to fulfill one’s obligations”. Follow our live.

Clashes erupted in the countryside of Deux-Sèvres during a demonstration of thousands of opponents to a “mega-basin” site for agricultural irrigation. Five gendarmes were injured and four demonstrators arrested, according to the prefect of Deux-Sèvres. Follow our live.

A Franco-Australian national was abducted on Friday “by as yet unidentified individuals” in a province in the east of the country, the Chadian government announced in a press release.

A national tribute will be paid to the painter Pierre Soulages on Wednesday at the Louvre, announced the Elysée.

17h59 : “Moscow is using a false pretext to block the grain corridor that provides food security for millions of people. I call on all states to demand that Russia end its hunger games and commit again to respect its obligations”, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter.

17h58 : Kyiv denounces the “false pretense” of the attack in Crimea used by Russia to justify the suspension of the agreement on grain exports. Ukraine calls for pressure to be put on Moscow “meets its obligations”.

18h07 : Elisabeth Borne brushes aside Moscow’s accusations against London. Russia claims the UK was involved in the explosions that damaged Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. “There is an investigation underway and I do not give any credit to what may have been announced this morning”declared the Prime Minister during a trip to Portugal.

17h08 : Moscow justifies this decision by the attack of drones having targeted in the morning Russian ships in Crimea, which it attributes to Ukraine. Ukrainian grain exports are vital for the food supply of poor countries.

17h04 : Russia will suspend its participation in the agreement ensuring the continuation of Ukrainian grain exports, announces the Russian Ministry of Defense on Telegram.

16h25 : The Russian side intends to draw the attention of the international community, in particular through the United Nations Security Council, to the series of terrorist attacks perpetrated against Russia in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, including with the involvement of Great Britain”explained on Telegram the spokesperson for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova.

16h24 : Russia announces its intention to raise with the UN Security Council the issue of the drone attack that targeted the Bay of Sevastopol in annexed Crimea as well as that of the explosions that damaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea in September .

16h30 : At 4 p.m., we take stock of the main news headlines:

The Russian Navy repelled a drone attack in Sevastopol Bay this morning, according to the city’s governor. Moreover, the Russian army accuses London of being involved in this attack and also in the explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Follow our live.

# In Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), the grids of the water reserve site were forced by the demonstrators. The collective Bassines non merci, which brings together environmental associations, opposes the “grabbing of water” intended for agro-industry.

#BRASIL “King of Lies”, “bandit”, “imbalance”… A final televised debate at loggerheads took place last night between Lula and Jair Bolsonaro, before the second round scheduled for tomorrow.

#RUGBY The players of the XV of France qualify for the semi-final of the World Cup after their victory over Italy 39 to 3. Les Bleues will be opposed in the semi-final next Saturday to New Zealand.

15h51 : Bonjour @Not understood. The Russian army has announced that it has repelled a massive drone attack on its fleet in Sevastopol Bay, in annexed Crimea. She accuses Ukraine and the United Kingdom of being behind these attacks. The strikes damaged a ship. “No installation in the city has been affected. The situation is under control”, has also announced the governor of the city. Follow our live.

15h32 : I’m not sure I understand. In the end, did the drone attack do any damage to Sevastopol or not?

3:34 p.m. : The United Kingdom retaliates. The British Ministry of Defense denounces the “false claims” from Moscow to “To divert attention”after the Russian Defense accused London of being involved in the explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines and a drone attack.

14h14 : The attack of drones having targeted installations of the Russian fleet of the Black Sea in Crimea, peninsula annexed by Moscow, was the most “massive” of the conflict in Ukraine, according to the pro-Russian governor of the city of Sevastopol. Follow our live.

16h00 : At 2 p.m., we take stock of the main news headlines:

The Russian Navy repelled a drone attack in Sevastopol Bay this morning, according to the city’s governor. The Russian army accuses London of being involved in this attack and also in the explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Follow our live.

#WEATHER FORECAST Many monthly temperature records were broken yesterday afternoon, reports Météo France. For example, it was 32.2°C in Ger (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) against 30.9°C on October 13, 2019.

#BRASIL “King of Lies”, “bandit”, “imbalance”… A final televised debate at loggerheads took place last night between Lula and Jair Bolsonaro, before the second round scheduled for tomorrow.

#RUGBY The players of the XV of France qualify for the semi-final of the World Cup after their victory over Italy 39 to 3. Les Bleues will be opposed in the semi-final next Saturday to New Zealand.

1:54 p.m : “The preparation for this terrorist act and the training of the military personnel of the 73rd Ukrainian center for special maritime operations were carried out by British specialists based in Ochakov, in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine”, assures the Russian Ministry of Defense on Telegram. These ships participated in the protection of convoys responsible for exporting Ukrainian cereals, according to Moscow.

13h52 : In addition to accusations over Nord Stream gas pipelines, the Russian military has blamed Ukraine and the United Kingdom massive drone attack having targeted its Black Sea fleet in the Crimea, a peninsula annexed by Moscow. The attack caused “minor damage” on one of the ships.

13h33 : The Russian army accuses London of being involved in the explosions which caused leaks in September on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, built to transport Russian gas to Europe. “Representatives of a British Navy unit were involved in the planning, supply and implementation of the terrorist act in the Baltic Seasays the Russian Ministry of Defense on Telegram.

13h31 : Russian military accuses London of involvement in Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions

14h40 : Here are the contents not to be missed on our site:

From prison to election, Lula has come a long way to challenge Jair Bolsonaro.

• Is France the European country that subsidizes the most railways, as the Minister of Transport asserts? Answer in this article.

• The EU and France no longer seem to be among the priorities of German leader Olaf Scholz, despite being elected on pro-European promises. The explanation is to be found in his personality, but also in the crises that are shaking the country.

14h40 : Some 17 billion euros in assets of Russian oligarchs and entities have been frozen in the European Union, across seven member states, following sanctions against Russia in response to the war in Ukraine. “So far, the assets of 90 people have been frozen”specifies the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, in an interview (in German) granted to the media of the German group Funke.

12h45 : A journalist from a Russian state media was killed in an accident during a shooting exercise on a military training ground in Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed in 2014 by Russia, announces its editorial staff. Svetlana Babaeva was the head of the Crimean branch of the Rossia Segodnia media conglomerate.

12h01 : At noon, a new point on the news:

The Russian Navy repelled a drone attack in Sevastopol Bay this morning, according to the city’s governor. Follow our live.

#WEATHER FORECAST Many monthly temperature records were broken this afternoon, reports Météo France. For example, it was 32.2°C in Ger (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) against 30.9°C on October 13, 2019.

#BRASIL “King of Lies”, “bandit”, “imbalance”… A final televised debate at loggerheads took place last night between Lula and Jair Bolsonaro, before the second round scheduled for tomorrow.

#RUGBY The players of the XV of France qualify for the semi-final of the World Cup after their victory over Italy 39 to 3. Les Bleues will be opposed in the semi-final next Saturday to New Zealand.

11:52 : Between January and August, 729 companies with Russian capital were created in Turkey, four times more than in the whole of 2021. Westerners fear that these Russian-Turkish financial exchanges will allow Moscow to circumvent economic sanctions. Explanations.

11:34 am : “Russia is forced to review all the logistics of its foreign trade, and for this Turkey has an important role”, explains David Teurtrie, lecturer in political science at the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies. This specialist also explains that Western sanctions have a lesser than expected impact on the Russian economy.

10h48 : Russian troops carry everything in their flight from Kherson. Faced with the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south-east of the country, the Russian army retreats and takes everything it finds in the process. Report in Myrolubivka, where the inhabitants find themselves distraught.


11h14 : The Russian Navy pushed back early this morning a drone attack in Sevastopol Bay against the Russian Black Sea Fleet, according to pro-Russian authorities. “No installation in the city has been affected. The situation is under control”says the governor of this city on the annexed Crimean peninsula.

11h12 : Let’s start this live with a point on the news:

The Russian Navy repelled a drone attack in Sevastopol Bay this morning, according to the city’s governor. electricity restrictions “unprecedented” were announced yesterday in the kyiv region, due to significant damage to the energy system in Ukraine.

#WEATHER FORECAST Many monthly temperature records were broken this afternoon, reports Météo France. For example, it was 32.2°C in Ger (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) against 30.9°C on October 13, 2019.

#BRASIL “King of Lies”, “bandit”, “imbalance”… A final televised debate at loggerheads took place last night between Lula and Jair Bolsonaro, before the second round scheduled for tomorrow.

#RUGBY The players of the XV of France qualify for the semi-final of the World Cup after their victory over Italy 39 to 3.

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