Russia threatens Italy and Minister Guerini for sanctions –

by time news

Alexey Paramonov, a high-ranking member of the Russian government, spoke of “irreversible consequences” in relations between Italy and Russia if Rome were to join the “total financial and economic war” against Moscow of which France speaks, and called the minister a “hawk” of the Italian Defense Lorenzo Guerini; Italy defined the threats as “unacceptable”

The Russian government has expressed tough positions today – which the Italian government has defined “Threatening statements” – towards theItaly and the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini.

Speaking, in the Italian morning today, was the director of the first European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexei Paramonov. Interviewed by the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, Paramonov said that “Moscow is working on a response plan to the sanctions launched by the West, which are unprecedented and illegitimate”. If there are new sanctions against Russia, he added, the consequences for Italy could be “irreversible”.

“Sanctions are not our choice. We would not like the logic of the French Minister of Economy, Bruno the Mayor, which declared a “total financial and economic war” against Russia, found followers in Italy. This would have a series of irreversible consequences ».

Paramonov – che he did not explain what these consequences might be in detail – he then recalled that on the occasion of the coronavirus pandemic, Russia “provided Italy with significant assistance”: a request to that effect had also arrived “from the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Gueriniwhat time is it one of the main “hawks” and inspirers of the anti-Russian campaign in the Italian government. Against the backdrop of anti-Russian hysteria ”, according to Paramonov, the Italian authorities“ have suddenly forgotten everything ”.

Faced with these positions, the Italian Foreign Ministry has “firmly rejected the threatening declarations” of Paramonov “according to which any new sanctions” on Russia “would have irreversible consequences for Italy”. The Farnesina “invites the Russian Foreign Ministry” to “take action for the immediate cessation of the illegal e brutal aggression»Against Ukraine, which the Italian government itself« strongly condemns ».

“Italy with its European and international partners” – underlines a note – “will continue to exert all pressure so that Russia returns within the framework of international legality”.

Many Italian reactions to the words of the Russian government. “We will not be intimidated,” said the president of the House Foreign Affairs Commission, Piero Fassino, followed by many exponents of the Democratic Party, of Italia viva and of Action.

Article being updated …

March 19, 2022 (change March 19, 2022 | 16:00)

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