Russia-Ukraine, new talks: Zelensky ready to talk about neutrality

by time news

Zelensky: “Finding an agreement with Russia, to do so I have to meet Putin”

“We have to come to an agreement with the President of the Russian Federation. But to make the deal he has to get up from where he is and come and meet me. We can meet anywhere in the world, except where I think it’s useless: Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. If we meet, we find an agreement. Our agreement can also be signed in blood, enough to start the process of withdrawing the troops “, so the Ukrainian President Zelensky in un video sui social.

Ukraine, Russian army does not advance. “The enemy is reorganizing his forces”

Russian forces in Ukraine they are reorganizing and are not advancing in any area of ​​the country. This was highlighted by the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Malyar, during a briefing. According to Malyar, the Russian military is trying to strengthen the positions it already holds and is trying to break through the defense lines of Kiev but “has no hope of conquering the capital”. “To date, the enemy is reorganizing his forces, but they cannot advance anywhere in Ukraine,” he added.

Zelensky willing to discuss the “neutrality” of his country, but “sovereignty and integrity of the territory are two priorities of Kiev”

It is not yet clear when, but new talks are planned in Istanbul, Turkey, between Russian and Ukrainian delegations in view of a negotiated solution to the war. If indeed one of the Ukrainian negotiators specified that the negotiating teams will meet within the daythe Turkish presidency has made it known that the Russian-Ukrainian dialogue will not take place until tomorrow.

President Zelensky, meanwhile, he looks with hope at the new meeting, which he considers positive, and confirms his willingness to discuss “neutrality” of his country, with security guarantees, indicating however in the sovereignty and integrity of the territory two priorities of Kiev. On the ground, in the meantime, the clashes continue. But the Ukrainian armed forces have announced a withdrawal of Russian units from Kiev, due to the huge losses suffered in recent days. Moscow’s efforts would now be concentrated in the east of the country.

Ukrainian Embassy: Zelensky wants Italy among security guarantors

L’Ukrainian ambassador smell, Yaroslav Melnyk explains: “Our president has launched the U24 initiative, United for peace, to create a group of countries capable of giving an answer within 24 hours in case of aggression. According to our president, this group should include permanent members of the UN Security Council, plus the Germanythe Canadathe Turkey and also theItaly. I’m happy to see Italy on this list “.

Lavrov: I meet Putin-Zelensky counterproductive now

A meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for a mere exchange of positions would be “counterproductive” now. This was explained by the Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov according to the Interfax agency.

Ukraine: Kiev, Moscow withdraws some troops in Belarus

The Russia is retreating on the territory of the Belarus units that suffered significant casualties during the offensive, to restore their combat capability. This is what the Ukrainian Army General Staff reports in its latest update. In particular, according to the latest report, some units of the 106th Russian Airborne Division have been withdrawn from the territory of the Kiev to the territory of the Belarus.

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