Russia-Ukraine war: President Zlansky announces dismissal of ambassadors

by time news

The effects of the war? In the shadow of the continued Russian invasion and fighting across Ukraine, the Presidential website of Ukraine announced today (Saturday) that the President, Volodymyr Zlansky, Fired the Ukrainian ambassadors to Germany, India, the Czech Republic, Norway and Hungary. Meanwhile, the reason for the dismissals was not written, but according to reports, the ambassador to Germany, Andrei MelnikWas fired for condemning German policy for its indecision on the issue of military aid to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Russia continues its attempts to occupy Ukrainian territories. The Ukrainian government has called on its residents in the southern region to “evacuate by all possible means, preparing for an army attack.” Governor of Hansk, Sri Heidai“The Russian forces carried out 20 artillery, mortar and rocket attacks throughout the night and the Russians crossed the border with Donetsk. We are trying to detain the Russians along the entire front line. This is a real hell.”

Russian invasion of Ukraine (Photo: Reuters)

Recall, last week Russia occupied the last great stronghold of the Ukrainian resistance in Luhansk. After the conquest of the city of Liszhensk, intelligence officials in the West predicted that Muska would take a slight respite from the fighting, in order to re-arm itself and reorganize its forces. Later, the governor of Luhansk claimed that the bombings in his province were stopped only because Ukrainian army forces destroyed ammunition depots and enclosures belonging to the Russian army.

At the same time, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Irina Vershchuk, Said that it had approached the residents of the Russian-controlled territories and asked them to evacuate. According to her, “so that the Russian forces could not use them as human shields during the attacks.”

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