Russia will find an “antidote” to the American Patriot missiles delivered to kyiv, says Vladimir Putin

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18h23 : Ten months after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin says he wants the war to end “the earlier” possible. “We will strive to make this endsaid the Russian president at a press conference.

18:00 : It’s time to take stock of the news.

• Olivier Véran asks the strikers to “to renouncer” to their action and “to hear the legitimate request of the French”. Follow our live.

• After his visit to Washington and a quick passage through Poland, where he met President Andrzej Duda, Volodymyr Zelensky is back in Ukraine. Follow our live.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the United States for the first time since the invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces. Here’s what to remember from this visit.

• Before being violently attacked by her ex-companion, in mid-December, a woman had tried to file a complaint at the Blois police station. But the policeman who had received her did not take her complaint. This story raises questions about the collection of complaints by the police.

17h47 : If the symbolic visit to Washington was punctuated by strong moments, the visit to Poland, where he met a “friend of Ukraine”President Andrzej Duda, allowed Volodymyr Zelensky to address “a wide range of topics, emphasizing the strengthening of Ukrainian state defense capabilities and humanitarian issues”explained the Ukrainian presidency in its press release.

17h44 : After his trip to Washington and his stopover in Poland on his way back, Volodymyr Zelensky has returned to Ukraine, assured his spokesman Serguiï Nykyforov

17h49 : After the delivery of the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine by the United States, Vladimir Putin assured that the Russian army would find a way around it. “It’s a pretty old system. It doesn’t work like our (Russian) S-300 system. But our opponents assume it’s a defensive weapon. Alright, we’ll keep that in mind. And there is always an antidote”said the Russian president.

17h49 : Andreö Shtepa, the main person in charge of Lioubymivk, locality under Russian control in the Kherson region (south), was killed in a bomb attack, announced the Russian administration. He is “died tragically after the explosion of an automobile” caused by “Ukrainian terrorists”she detailed.

17h08 : President @AndrzejDuda met with President @ZelenskyyUa, who was returning to the country after visiting the USA. The face-to-face talks and the meeting of the delegations chaired by the presidents lasted two hours.

17h08 : On his return from Washington, Volodymyr Zelensky stopped in Poland where he met “a friend of Ukraine, Polish President Andrzej Duda”.

15h23 : The efforts of the Russian army in Ukraine are currently focused on capturing the entire Donetsk region in the east of the country, said its chief of staff Valery Gerasimov. “The situation on the front line has stabilized”he added, quoted by Russian news agencies.

3:15 p.m. : A visit under high security, a meeting at the White House, Patriot missiles promised to Ukraine and an ovation to Congress… In Washington, Volodymyr Zelensky wasted no time. Here’s what to remember from the Ukrainian president’s visit to the United States.

17h49 : It’s time to take stock of the news.

• Olivier Véran asks the strikers to “to renouncer” to their action and “to hear the legitimate request of the French”. Follow our live.

• Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited the front line for an inspection. Follow our live.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the United States for the first time since the invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces. Here’s what to remember from this visit.

• Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that he is in a position to form the next government, with his partners from the ultra-Orthodox and far-right parties.

13h22 : This is his second visit in less than a week. “In the first line”Sergei Shoigu has “verified the conditions for the deployment of military personnel and equipment”. It also “inspected the areas of positioning of military units, the conditions of accommodation and heating of personnel”specifies the ministry on Telegram.


13h22 : Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has traveled to the front line in Ukraine to inspect the positions of his army, his ministry announced.

14h52 : It is noon. We make a new point on the news of the day:

• About 40% of TGVs are canceled over the Christmas weekend due to a strike. But what will be the situation for the New Year weekend? Bruno Le Maire demands management “a solution in the next few hours”. Follow our live.

• The Kremlin accuses the United States of conducting a “indirect war” against Russia, the day after Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington. Follow our live.

• Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that he is in a position to form the next government, with his partners from the ultra-Orthodox and far-right parties.

11h59 : The ex-boss of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, was injured in a Ukrainian strike on Donetsk, stronghold of pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, and must undergo surgery, a-t- he announced on Telegram.

11h24 : “Volodymyr Zelensky, both head of state and warlord, going from Bakhmout to Washington, the symbol is strong”comments Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, on France Inter.

11h11 : “We are on a strategy of absolute defense of Ukraine, of victory for Ukraine, which will be built in the end by a new text which must build a new order ensuring the political and security stability of this region and of the Europe.”

Back from Jordan, the Head of State explains to several media, including the Monde, that he doesn’t have “don’t want it to be the Chinese and the Turks alone who negotiate the next day”.

11h04 : “So far, we can note with regret that neither President Biden nor President Zelensky have said anything that could be perceived as a potential willingness to listen to Russia’s concerns.”says the Kremlin.

10h54 : The Kremlin accuses Washington of carrying out a “indirect war” against Russia.

09h00 : It’s 9 o’clock. We make a first point on the news of the day:

“Your money is not charity, it is an investment in global security and democracy“, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the US Congress. A look back at this historic visit.

• The railway company plans two TGVs canceled out of five on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 December. The company plans one out of two TGVs on the North and Atlantic axes, three out of five TGVs on the South-East and East axes, two out of three Ouigo.

• Israel’s designated Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has announced that he is in a position to form the next government, with his partners from the ultra-Orthodox and far-right parties.

08h12 : French President Emmanuel Macron believes that Ukraine’s entry into NATO would be experienced by Russia as a confrontation and that it is not the “most likely scenario”in an interview with several media.

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