Russian cruise missile violates Polish airspace during attack on Ukraine

by time news

Russian Cruise Missile Briefly Enters Polish Airspace

Early on Friday, a Russian cruise missile breached Polish airspace, traveling approximately 40 kilometers over Warsaw’s territory, according to top military officials in Poland. This incursion occurred during a widespread Russian aerial attack on Ukraine, which also targeted areas near the border to Poland, including the city of Lviv.

Initially, Poland’s military reported an unidentified object entering its airspace without providing further details. However, General Wieslaw Kukula, chief of the general staff of the Polish armed forces, confirmed later on Friday that a Russian missile had indeed entered and subsequently left Polish airspace.

In response to the violation, Poland summoned the Russian charge d’affaires and demanded an explanation. The Polish Foreign Ministry also called for an immediate halt to such activities. Following the meeting, the Russian diplomat Andrei Ordash stated that Poland had not provided proof of the border violation by the Russian missile.

According to General Maciej Klisz, operational commander of the Polish armed forces, the missile remained in Polish airspace for approximately 3 minutes before dropping off the radar and presumably crossing back into Ukraine. The military attempted to intercept and shoot down the projectile, but the duration and flight path made it impossible, allowing the missile to leave Polish territory.

In light of these events, the National Security Council convened in Warsaw, and the president, prime minister, and defense minister were in contact to ascertain the details. The office of President Andrzej Duda shared an image of an emergency meeting between politicians and the military in response to the breach.

This incident comes after a deadly explosion on Poland’s border with Ukraine in November 2022, which was later attributed to a Ukrainian air defense missile going astray. The recent violation has heightened tensions between Russia and Poland, prompting both countries to engage in diplomatic discussions over the matter.

The situation continues to unfold as Polish authorities reinforce their belief that the missile did not strike Polish soil and the search for the projectile’s ground impact point continues. The international community is closely monitoring the developments as Poland seeks further clarification and resolutions in response to the breach of its airspace.

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