“Russian culture does not erase itself”

by time news

Time.news – Environmental protests and protests from the Ukrainian community preceded the premiere of Boris Godunov, a masterpiece by the Russian composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgskyat the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. Five demonstrators were detained for smearing paint on the facade of the building. However, both the institutional figures present and the superintendent of La Scala, Dominique Meyer, find it inconceivable that opening the season with a Russian opera could be interpreted as support for the Kremlin’s current policy.

“Russian culture cannot be erased, it is European”, underlined the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, greeted by an ovation. With him, on the royal stage, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni“intrigued by the new and beautiful experience”, the president of the Senate, Ignatius LaRussaand the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. . “As is known, I have an extremely clear position on the issue of the invasion of Ukraine”, said the prime minister, wrapped in a black Armani dress, “but we are not angry with the Russian people, with Russian history with Russian culture, we have an issue with the political choice. And the two levels must be kept apart otherwise we’ll get confused”. The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiulianorecalled for his part that “Boris Godunov tells the story of a tsar who finally falls victim to remorse for his actions”.

It is also the ‘first’ without Covid restrictions, very few spectators wearing a mask. Rebirth it is, then, but without colors. The black of the clothes wins hands down, sober Milanese elegance. They walk the red carpet of the Piermarini before enjoying the show, among others, Fabrizio Gifuni, Stefano Accorsi, Alessandra Mastronardi, Corrado Augias, Alessandro Baricco, Fedele Confalonieri and Senator Liliana Segre.

  • 19:43

    Mattarella: I liked the work very much

    The work that this evening opens the first season of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, the ‘Boris Godunov’ “I liked it very much”. It is the first comment of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, to journalists, in the interval of the Russian opera by Musorgsky.

  • 19:38

    Mattarella meets Chailly in the interval

    The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in the interval of the inaugural opera of the Teatro alla Scala, went to greet Maestro Riccardo Chailly and the artists, in the dressing rooms. Together with him were his daughter Laura, the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala with his partner Chiara Bazoli and the superintendent Dominique Meyer. This, of greeting the master, is a custom for the Head of State, a lover of opera and an aficionado of La Scala.

  • 19:12

    Conte sees the first with the recipients of the basic income

    After the meeting with the recipients of the basic income, the leader of the M5s, Giuseppe Conte, in Milan, followed with them and with other families in conditions of economic difficulty the premiere at La Scala in the hall of the Opera Cardinal Ferrari, a structure that since 1921 it has assisted poor people, from the homeless to those who are unable to do their shopping. “I’ve never been able to go to the premiere of La Scala despite invitations when I was prime minister, but I’m happy now to watch it here with you,” Conte said at the beginning of the screening.

  • 18:53

    Von der Leyen: “The designer of my dress? I don’t know”

    A long dress, as the tradition of the Prima della Scala requires, midnight blue, with a bodice studded with sequins, and a light silk skirt. It is the outfit chosen by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who this evening attends the Premiere of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, where the Russian opera Boris Godunov is being staged. When asked by reporters who was the designer who signed her dress, the president burst into laughter, admitting that she did not know, that she did not remember. An answer that perhaps we would never have received from the fashionable Milanese ladies. And in fact – it is still said among the employees and journalists – it is not so important who the designer was, that dress looked great on Von der Leyen.

  • 18:50

    Meyer: We are presenting a masterpiece, it is not support for Russian politics

    “There have not been many controversies apart from those of the Ukrainian consul. We are presenting a masterpiece of art history. It does not mean that it is a support for Russian politics. They are different things”. This was stated by the superintendent and artistic director of the Teatro alla Scala, Dominique Meyer, upon arriving at the Teatro alla Scala for the premiere of the opera “Boris Godunov” which opens the 2022/2023 season.

  • 18:37

    Sangiuliano: distinguishing art from politics

    “I believe that art should always be distinguished from politics, otherwise we shouldn’t read Dostoyevsky. Even though Ukraine has its historical reasons and I have always affirmed them, I recently met with the Ukrainian Minister of Culture to reaffirm our solidarity and nearness”. To say it is the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, on his arrival at the Prima della Scala, on the controversy over the choice to open the season with a Russian opera, Boris Godunov. “This must above all be an opportunity for culture. And culture means moral and civil growth for people. Our future improves if we improve our culture”, added the minister. As to Boris Godunov’s telling the story of a tsar who finally falls victim to remorse for his actions, Sangiuliano replies: “Tyranny is always something we must oppose.”

  • 18:35

    Fontana: culture shouldn’t be involved in controversies

    “Culture should not be involved in this kind of controversy. We should decide if we like it, if it has been well staged and set to music. The work ends with the fall of the tyrant, it should be read positively with the wish that the same thing will happen in reality”. This was said by the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, upon his arrival at the Prima della Scala, speaking of the controversy over the representation of the Russian opera Boris Godunov. “In my opinion, culture should not become part of these controversies, I think it will be a wonderful show”, adds the president of Lombardy. “It is very pleased that President Mattarella and Presidents Meloni and von der Leyen are here tonight, presences that represent the centrality of our region and city that evidently manage to move such personalities”, concluded Fontana.

  • 18:19

    Ovation for Mattarella: “Thank you president”

    The entire audience of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan standing, in the stalls, in the boxes, up to the gallery. The tribute is for the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella upon his entry into the Royal box, accompanied by his daughter Laura. Many voices were raised from the hall to say “thank you, president”. Next to the Head of State, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, and the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa. All warmly greeted by the Scala audience.

  • 18:16

    Meloni and La Russa sing the anthem of Mameli

    Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa sang the anthem of Mameli which opened the Scala evening.

  • 18:15

    Applause for maestro Chailly, the inaugural evening begins

    On the notes of the Italian anthem, followed by the European one, the inaugural evening of the 2022/2023 Piermarini season began, where the Russian opera ‘Boris Godunov’ is staged, in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Applause for maestro Riccardo Chailly and the Scala orchestra

  • 18:09

    Sala: on the royal box two of the seven most powerful women in the world

    “On the royal stage there will be two of the seven most powerful women in the world. I don’t think we will talk about politics, at least I hope so”. This was stated by the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, citing the Forbes ranking which places the president of the European commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, in first place and the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, in seventh. “I think it’s right, these moments are also those in which those who need to be heard must do so. Compared to the Ukrainians, I believe that Milan has been very generous and attentive and I do not consider their request to cancel the work right. The unions and those who protest for the cost of living have my solidarity. We will do what can be done “, added Sala.

  • 18:06

    Meloni: the controversy over Russian opera is meaningless

    “You know my position on the conflict in Ukraine, but I think culture is something else and I think we shouldn’t make the mistake of mixing dimensions that are different”. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, declared it upon her arrival at the Prima della Scala, responding to those who asked her about the controversy over the performance of a Russian opera. “We are not angry with the Russian people, with Russian history, we are angry with the choices of those who have politically decided to invade a sovereign nation. It is a different thing. In my opinion, it is right to keep the two dimensions separate “. Choosing to open the Teatro alla Scala season with a Russian opera “is a polemic that makes no sense,” she added.

  • 18:01

    Meloni chooses a black sequin dress by Armani

    Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni chose to wear a black sequined dress for the premiere of La Scala in Milan. It is signed by Armani. “The dress? I hope it lives up to expectations,” the premier joked to reporters.

  • 17:57

    Meyer: Tragic that protesters don’t understand that the culture is pro-green

    “It is a tragedy that these people do not understand that the world of culture is in favor of green, even here in the theater we have a Green plan”. This was said by the superintendent of the Teatro alla Scala, Dominique Meyer, before the start of the opening night of the season, in reference to the protest that took place today by some “Latest generation” protesters who daubed the entrance to the theater with paint .

  • 17:55

    Senator Liliana Segre was also present

    As per tradition, life senator Liliana Segre is present at the premiere of La Scala. ‘Spotted’ also in the foyer, where the Christmas tree is missing this year, are the TV presenter Bruno Vespa and the president of Mediaset Fedele Confalonieri.

  • 17:53

    Von der Leyen: “We must honor culture and not allow Putin to destroy it”

    The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, arrived at La Scala to attend the premiere of the Russian opera Boris Godunov. She was welcomed by the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala and the President of the Region Attilio Fontana. “We must honor culture and not allow Putin to destroy it,” said Von der Leyen, “I like every good work, this composer is a phenomenon.”

  • 17:52

    Meloni arrives at La Scala: “I’m intrigued, it’s my first time”

    Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has arrived at La Scala to attend the ‘première’. “I’m intrigued. It’s my first time. A premiere is certainly a great new experience,” said the prime minister upon arriving at the Teatro alla Scala for the premiere.

  • 17:45

    Meyer: Sgarbi’s words pity me

    “I won’t comment on this, I’ve been in Italy for 30 years and the first time I came to La Scala was 1980. I’ve never felt like a foreigner. And I feel at home wherever culture takes place. For the first time I heard this harsh word, ‘foreigner’, it pained me. I have always been very well received here for 35 years. I am president of various juries and I have always been welcomed with open arms. It pains me to be considered now as a villain foreigner who does not know how to do his job. I have been directing the Paris Opera, the Vienna Opera and now La Scala for 32 seasons. I have respect for this person whom I do not know but who I believe does not know my work”. This was stated by the superintendent and artistic director of the Teatro alla Scala, Dominique Meyer, upon arriving at the Piermarini for the premiere of the opera Boris Godunov, questioned on the words of the Undersecretary for Culture, Vittorio Sgarbi.

  • 17:42

    The Ukrainian community protests against Russian opera

    Protest by the Ukrainian community of Milan in Piazza della Scala for the Premiere of the 2022/2023 season of the Piermarini Theater. “La Scala does not favor Putin’s propaganda”, say the twenty demonstrators, contesting the choice of the opera, ‘Boris Godunov’ by Modest Petrovic Musorgsky. “He is a soloist of the Russian regime” reads a manifesto in reference to the protagonist, the Russian bass Ildar Abdrazakov.

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