Russian forces dug huge pits and buried 9,000 bodies in one place

by time news

Kiev: Russian forces have captured the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, killing 9,000 civilians, including Ukrainian soldiers, and burying their bodies in clusters to cover up war crimes. The Russian military, which has been waging war on Ukraine, announced yesterday that it would seize the city of Mariupol following the city of Kersen. The iconic city of Mariupol, 2 months into the offensive, is now completely under Russian control. This is Russia’s biggest victory in the war. The city of Mariupol can be connected by land from the already Russian-controlled Crimean region.

In this context, evidence has emerged that Russian troops have committed serious war crimes in Mariupol, which has been under siege for two months. A satellite image released by Maxer Technologies shows large pits dug at about 200 locations in Manhas, near Mariupol, where bodies were buried. After examining the photos, the Mariupol City Council posted information on its social media page. It noted that there may be 20 times larger burial mounds in the Manhas area than in the Pucha area, and that Russian forces dug huge pits in Mariupol throughout April and filled them with the bodies of Ukrainian people. Satellite imagery has revealed that four 85-meter-long pits have been dug and covered.

Mariupol Mayor Boychenko said, “Russia has buried the bodies of people killed to cover up its war crimes.” About 9,000 bodies are said to have been buried. City officials in Mariupol said the items were brought in trucks as garbage and buried in large pits. For 2 months people in this city lived mostly hiding in the basements of houses. In recent days the Russian military has not allowed people to leave the city of Mariupol. Russia has also blocked attempts by the Red Cross to evict people.

At the same time, the city mayor Boychenko claims that Mariupol is still under their control. Russia has reportedly massacred 20,000 civilians in Mariupol alone. Russia’s Defense Ministry said yesterday that steps would be taken to fully seize the eastern Ukrainian Donbass following the capture of Mariupol. Similarly, there were attacks in Kharkiv yesterday.

UN humanitarian warns: UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet has accused Ukraine of grossly violating UN human rights laws during the war. In a statement, he said, “Russian armed forces have been carrying out indiscriminate attacks on hospitals, schools and residences, killing civilians. It has been confirmed that 5,264 civilians have died so far since the war began. This number may increase further when conducting surveys in the cities of Mariupol. International human rights law has not simply been ignored in this 8-week war, it has been blatantly trampled underfoot, ”he warned.

24 km long tunnel, bunker
About 1,000 civilians and 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers are said to be in ambush at the largest iron smelter in Mariupol. The Russian military has been fighting for the past few days to capture the plant. Russian troops have not yet been able to capture the plant, as Ukrainian troops have set up bunkers there and are under heavy attack. However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Russia’s defense ministry, and said that the plant would be brought under Russian control in the next few days. President Putin has sternly ordered that not a single fly escape the plant. The plant covers an area of ​​11 sq km. Ukrainian soldiers have been fighting for 24 km of tunnels and bunkers.

Rs. 6,000 crore arms aid: US President announces: The United States, which continues to provide arms assistance to Ukraine, has also announced that it will provide arms worth Rs 6,000 crore.
* President Joe Biden announces supply of 1.44 lakh ammunition and various weapons, including drones.
* The United States has so far provided Rs 25,000 crore in arms and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
* Biden says most of the $ 25,000 billion approved by the US Congress to help Ukraine has been spent.
* Germany has also entered into agreements with Eastern European countries to supply its PanzerHabits-2000 tanks to Ukraine.
* Saying he needs Rs 50,000 crore a month to revive Ukraine’s economy, Gelensky called on all nations of the world to immediately sever ties with Russia.

Russia bans US Vice President Kamala: Many countries, including the United States, have imposed sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine war. In particular, several sanctions have been imposed on Russian President Putin and his family. In response, Russia yesterday banned US Vice President Kamala Harris from entering Russia. Russia bans 27 US VIPs, including Kamala Harris and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg

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