Russian journalist reports: “People in shock”

by time news

In Russia they only recently found out about their country’s intention to fight against Ukraine and the war that broke out. A journalist who is not afraid of the regime instead reports: “The citizens of Russia woke up and discovered that their country had attacked a neighboring country. “She says that the country is beginning to feel the damage to the economy as a result of the sanctions imposed by the powers:

Tatiana Feilgangaur, an Echo Radio journalist in Moscow, tells the Israeli media about the feelings of war in the heart of the Russian home front, even though it is “unacceptable” there to report against the administration.

Feilgangaur Reports in an interview with News 12 that the Russians have not yet digested or feared the possible consequences of the fighting. “Russian citizens have woken up and found that their country has attacked a neighboring country. People are still in shock. I think at this point few people are thinking about the consequences. There is a general shock right now.”

Following the invasion, opposition demonstrations began in the center of the Russian capital. She says of this and says, “In the city center there is an increased presence of security forces and police forces, because they expect that some protests will take place on the main streets in the city.”

“I went into the Russian central bank, where everyone is talking about the war, and in both branches there was no foreign currency left. In one branch it was impossible to take rubles out of the coffers because the cash ran out,” she said of the impact of Western sanctions on Russia.

Feilgangaur describes the many restrictions imposed on the media in Russia on behalf of Putin’s rule: “The Media Authority is the Russian authority that monitors the media and can revoke licenses or block media.”

“Today they sent a document stating that reporters, the media and all sources of information, that it could be anything – everyone should in their news updates speak only the official position of the Ministry of Defense otherwise it will be considered Pike News distribution. In other words, military censorship is in fact imposed. “

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