Russian occupation and imperialist interests – Abdullah Vavur

by time news

At the 1994 NATO summit, President Bill Clinton made it clear that a division between the East and the West could no longer be achieved through military action. But the United States has the final say in their security arrangements. Russia has warned that if Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will have to withdraw its military alliance with Cuba and Venezuela.

Abdullah Vavur

Russia has argued that Ukraine is suppressing insurgents in the Dhonesk and Luhansk regions, which have been campaigning for a separate republic from Ukraine for more than a decade. Russia has been preparing for the invasion of Ukraine for months. Ukraine has deployed a large military contingent along the border. About one and a half lakh. The United States is providing all possible support to the U.S. crane. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the United States is planning to use its base in Ukraine to strengthen its influence in Eastern Europe. The United States and its allies have provided Ukraine with tons of weapons. The munitions include about 300 anti-tank missiles worth $ 600,000 each. Despite this, US President Joe Biden has said that the United States is not at war directly with Russia and that Ukraine’s local forces have the capability to confront Russia.

Russia and the United States are seeking to establish international hegemony over Ukraine. With the collapse of Soviet Russia, imperialism shifted to a unipolar world and military camps became almost irrelevant. Although the United States imposed its policies like a dictatorship on the world, it did not lead to global conflict. Their unilateral Vietnam-Afghan military intervention dealt a heavy blow to those countries. Glasnost and Peristroika, under the rule of Mikhail Gorbachev, overthrew the imperialist power of the USSR and liberated many territories. Russia has not yet regained its old strength. Vladimir Putin has been Russia’s ruler since 1999. Prime Minister from 1999 to 2012 and then President. Since becoming president, Putin has been targeting wider Russia on the model of the old Soviet Union. Based on this, the Crimean peninsula, which was part of Ukraine, was invaded in 2014 and taken over by Russia. Still, Putin said he stood by the Crimean people’s right to self-determination. Putin now has the same tone as he does when he starts a war targeting Ukraine again. The United States has long sought to seize control of Eastern Europe via Ukraine. In 2014, he supported the coup that ousted pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovyo and paved the way for Volodymyr Mele Selensky to come to power. Since then, Putin has argued that Selensky’s government is made up of radical national reformers, neo – Nazis and anti-Russian elements. That is why Russia has been relentlessly assisting anti-Ukrainian protesters.

Russia also opposes US moves to include Ukraine in the US – led NATO military alliance. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has called on Russia’s neighbors Moldova and Georgia to join NATO, along with Ukraine. Russia has said it is violating the red line and will not allow it. France and Germany vetoed the US proposal to include Ukraine in NATO. At the 1994 NATO summit, President Bill Clinton made it clear that a division between the East and the West could no longer be achieved through military action. But the United States has the final say in their security arrangements. Russia has warned that if Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will have to withdraw its military alliance with Cuba and Venezuela.

They reckon the Ukraine crisis will help energize the Biden administration, which is embroiled in a series of internal crises in the United States, in the run – up to next November’s midterm elections. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been embroiled in a series of corruption scandals involving the United States over the Ukraine crisis. It is hoped that this will help divert attention from it. China, which did not significantly intervene in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, has made its policy clear. China has remained silent on Russia’s earlier occupation of Crimea and Russia’s support for separatists in eastern Ukraine. But China has criticized the US move to include Ukraine in the NATO alliance, saying Russia’s security is paramount.

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