Russian Political Scientist Alexander Dagin Warns of Imminent War in Central Asia and Israel’s Downfall

by time news

2023-12-27 13:42:10
The world-renowned Russian political scientist Alexander Dagin has made a dire prediction, stating that a major war is imminent in Central Asia. Dagin, a close confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin and known as “Putin’s brain,” issued the warning, claiming that the end of Israel was near and total destruction was inevitable.

In a tweet, Dagin asserted, “The big war will come to Middle East. May be a bit later, but it will. Houthis will not stop. Ships will not enter any more Red Sea. The oil prices will go up. Iran will respond to provocations. Collapse of Israel is inevitable. Call it as you wish. We call it end time agenda.”

This impactful statement aligns with Dagin’s previous article in the Arab newspaper Al Majalla, where he discussed the looming global shift from unipolar to multipolar, highlighting the influence of major players such as Russia, China, the Islamic world, India, Africa, and Latin America.

Furthermore, Dagin raised concerns about the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, condemning Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip and predicting a wider confrontation between the West and the Islamic world. He emphasized the importance of unity among Islamic nations in addressing the Palestinian issue.

The gravity of Dagin’s warning has not gone unnoticed, with Elon Musk, the head of Twitter, also expressing concerns about the potential for the conflicts in the Middle East and Eastern Europe to escalate into a third world war.

As Dagin’s alarming predictions reverberate, the world watches and waits with apprehension, hoping for a path toward peace and stability in the face of these potential crises.
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