Russian stockpile of weapons is coming to an end

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Von: Tim Vincent Dicke


Is Putin running out of long-range missiles? And: Russia could face a new loss of territory in Ukraine. The news ticker.

  • Satellite images revealed: Russia is making “obvious preparations” for withdrawal.
  • Losses for Russia: Ukraine announces current figures.
  • Editor’s note: Read current developments in the Ukraine conflict in our news ticker. The information on the Ukraine war processed here comes partly from the warring parties in Russia and Ukraine. They can therefore not be independently checked in part.

+++ 2.46 p.m.: Ukraine has been preparing for a massive Russian airstrike for days. The reason for this is the relocation of warships in the Black Sea, which is causing concerns in Kyiv to grow. “Terrorism is afoot. Apparently the Russian fascists are preparing a new rocket attack. But the Ukrainians are ready to repel another airstrike,” said Yuri Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Command.

According to the Ukrainian spokesman, Russian arms stocks are running low – so there is optimism. “Is it even possible to scare us with anything else? Also, there aren’t that many long-range, high-precision missiles left to attack our rear areas with,” Ihnat said.

Arsenal almost exhausted? The image released by the Russian Defense Ministry shows a Russian Iskander missile in action. © Russian Ministry of Defense/Imago

Ukraine war news: Russia makes ‘obvious preparation’ for withdrawal

Update from Tuesday, November 29, 11:17 a.m.: Russia continues to come under pressure in the Ukraine war. Russian troops are now digging trenches in the east of the Cherson region in preparation for a Ukrainian counteroffensive. This is reported by the think tank specializing in defense issues Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Satellite images taken by the US company Maxar on November 15 show that Russian forces have been digging trench lines and so-called concentration zones in eastern Cherson since the beginning of October. The professionals of ISW rate this as “obvious preparation” for a withdrawal from the west bank of the Dnieper. Should that actually happen, the recently liberated city of Kherson would no longer be directly threatened by the occupying forces.

“Russian forces clearly do not expect to be able to prevent Ukrainian forces from crossing the river,” the military experts said. Therefore they did not set up any positions to prevent such an advance. On the contrary, Russia is getting even more clearly on the defensive in the area around Cherson and is preparing for “a protracted defence”.

Ukraine war news: Ukraine kills 480 soldiers and shoots down fighter jets

First report from Tuesday, November 29th: Kyiv – The Russian military can still not report any major territorial gains in the Ukraine war. On the contrary: the loss of the strategically important port city of Cherson still weighs heavily. Every day, more and more soldiers are dying in the service of Russia.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has now released the latest figures on Russian army losses. Data shows that hundreds of soldiers continue to lose their lives in combat every day. According to the ministry in Kyiv, 480 Russian fighters died within 24 hours. In addition, three tanks, two artillery systems and two fighter jets were destroyed.

News about the Ukraine war: Russia’s losses are so high

  • Soldiers: 88,380 (+480 on the previous day)
  • planes: 280 (+2)
  • Helicopter: 261
  • Panzer: 2911 (+3)
  • Armored Fighting Vehicles: 5866 (+5)
  • Artilleriesysteme: 1901 (+2)
  • Air defense systems: 209
  • Multiple Rocket Launcher: 395
  • Cars and other vehicles: 4423 (+7)
  • Ships: 16
  • Unmanned Combat Drones: 1555
  • (as of Tuesday, November 29)
  • The information on Russia’s losses in the Ukraine war comes from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. They cannot be independently verified. The Kremlin itself gives very little information about its own losses.

Meanwhile, according to British estimates, Russia has moved away from its basic military and tactical concept – the reason being the heavy defeats of the troops of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. In the past three months, the Russian forces in Ukraine have largely stopped appearing as tactical battalion groups (BTG), the Ministry of Defense said in London, citing intelligence findings.

News about the Ukraine war: Russia is struggling with big problems

The high-intensity fighting over a wide area would have revealed several errors in the concept. “The relatively small allocation of infantry to the BTG has often proved insufficient.” In addition, the decentralized distribution of artillery did not allow Russia to exploit its quantitative advantage with this important weapon. Only a few commanders have permission to use the model flexibly, it said in London.

The BTG concept is a central pillar of Russian military doctrine in recent years. Each tactical unit is equipped with infantry, anti-aircraft, artillery, logistics and reconnaissance units. (with agencies)

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