Russian strikes leave thirteen dead in several towns near the Zaporizhia power plant

by time news

Cover image: The governor of the Dnipro region, Valentyn Reznitchenko, clarified that “the night Russian attack” had particularly affected the city of Nikopol, located on the western bank of the Dnipro river, opposite the Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, photographed here on April 27, 2022. ED JONES / AFP

  • In Crimea, explosions that left one dead and injured occurred Tuesday, August 9 at an ammunition depot at the site of a military airfield on Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia. The Russian army claimed that no shooting or bombardment had been the cause of these explosions, first reported by the authorities of this peninsula unilaterally attached to Russia in 2014 and on the front line in the Russian offensive against Ukraine launched on February 24.
  • According Colin KahlUS Undersecretary of Defense for Political Affairs, between “70,000 and 80,000 soldiers” Russians were killed or wounded since February 24 and the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Otherwise, “The Russians have not achieved any of the goals set by Vladimir Putin at the start of the war”, Pentagon number three said on Monday, adding that Russian forces would have lost between « 3 000 et 4 000 » armored vehicles and may lack precision-guided missiles, including air-to-surface and sea-to-surface missiles.
  • Ukraine’s nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, the largest in Europe, was the target of strikes last weekend. The two belligerents accuse each other of being the author of the attacks, while the site has been occupied since March by Russian forces but continues to operate thanks to Ukrainian technicians.
  • United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called “suicidal” any attack on nuclear power plants and called for the cessation of military operations around that of Zaporizhia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brandished the specter of the Chernobyl disaster and called for new sanctions against Russia, while the White House said: “We continue to call on Russia to cease all military operations in and around Ukrainian nuclear power plants and to return control of them to Ukraine. »
  • The chairman of the Ukrainian national nuclear energy production company Energoatom, Petro Kotin, called on Monday for the creation of a demilitarized zone around the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. According to him, the presence of the Russian army on the spot “creates the greatest danger for the future, an accident involving radiation or even a nuclear catastrophe”.
  • Moscow announced on Monday that it was suspending planned US inspections of its military sites. within the framework of the New Start treaty, the last bilateral agreement on nuclear disarmament linking the two powers. Russia claims to act in response to American obstacles to Russian inspections similar to the United States.
  • Mr. Zelensky warned Moscow against organizing “referendums” in the territories occupied in the south of his country by Russia with a view to their annexation, while the authorities appointed by the Kremlin in the region of Zaporijia (partly occupied by the Russian army) announced on Monday the launch of preparations for the organization of a referendum on the attachment of this region to Russia. If the separatists persist on this path, “they will close off any possibility of negotiations with Ukraine and the free world, which they will certainly need at some point”and esteemed M. Zelensky.
  • A first Ukrainian ship carrying wheat arrived at its final destination. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announced on Monday morning that the Reasonable landed in Turkey. A total of eight ships loaded with grain have already left Ukraine.

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Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Analyse. War in Ukraine: intimidation and blackmail around the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

Reportage. In Kharkiv, the motionless odyssey of the castaways of the metro: “Why would I go somewhere? I don’t see how to live anymore

Narrative. Amnesty International in turmoil after the publication of its report on the war in Ukraine

Reportage. In the Ukrainian Carpathians, a vacation “to prove that we are unbreakable”

Testimonials. Ukrainian and Russian exiles in France: “The French talk about ordinary things so passionately! »

The map of the war in Ukraine, day by day

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