Rutilio Escandón delivers accreditation opinions of Health Units, in Catazajá

by time news
  • The governor maintained that Chiapas complies with verification criteria in health, related to quality, safety and capacity in care
  • He maintained that the constitutional mandate to guarantee Chiapas citizens the human right to access medical services and medicines is fulfilled.
  • He stressed that thanks to investments and joint work, progress has been made in the fight against maternal and child death, dengue fever and COVID-19, among others.

During the delivery of accreditation opinions of Health Units, within the framework of World Health Day, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas stressed that it is satisfactory to verify that Chiapas complies with the established verification criteria, related to quality and the reduction of risks, respect for the dignity of patients, access, opportunity and continuity of care, competencies of health personnel, safety of equipment and facilities, among other aspects.

Within the framework of this event, held in the municipality of Catazajá, the president said that a great effort has been made to end the lag in this area that prevailed for many years, as well as to comply with the constitutional mandate to guarantee the people of Chiapas and the people of Chiapas the human right to access a dignified health infrastructure and quality, safe, professional medical services with a high sense of humanity.

He stressed that thanks to the fact that public resources are cared for and allocated to meet the needs of the population, in four years projects have been promoted for the reconversion, expansion, construction, rehabilitation, equipment and comprehensive improvement of more than 700 clinics, hospitals and health centers. health, both in rural and urban areas; coupled with the supply of supplies and medicines in stores and pharmacies, which allows 100 percent of prescriptions to be filled.

Escandón Cadenas highlighted that Chiapas is doing well in terms of health, proof of this is that the state stopped being the first place in maternal and child death and today is below the national average; control and combat of dengue, chikungunya and zika has been achieved, where a zero death rate has been maintained since 2021; and regarding COVID-19, he said that it registers a low infection rate, more than a year without any deaths, in addition to 100 percent hospital vacancy.

“This is possible because we work with the example of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, an honest and patriotic man, who has taught us to ensure the well-being of the people, especially those in the most vulnerable sectors. Have the confidence that we are not going to fail you and we will continue to invest so that the people have well-being, can live better and have better conditions to fulfill their legitimate aspirations”, he pointed out.

The Secretary of Health, José Manuel Cruz Castellanos, indicated that World Health Day is commemorated with actions to prevent and control diseases and reinforcing strategies to put the health system at the forefront. He announced that he has started an operation to contain dengue and other vectors, through house-to-house brigades. “This is how we celebrate World Health Day by working together, taking action and walking alongside the Governor to deliver social justice.”

In his speech, Dr. Pedro Arellano Madrigal, from the Reforma Urban Health Center, expressed that the medical units that have been converted were well executed and offer decent spaces, which allows Chiapas to be at the forefront and be competitive in this area against other states. “These units are used to provide quality care and warmth. The people of Chiapas are happy, thank you for giving us these spaces.”

Finally, the mayoress of Catazajá, María Fernanda Dorantes Núñez, thanked the State Government for its support in essential issues for the population, such as health, as this guarantees better conditions and quality of care. She recognized the health professionals who work every day to give better living conditions to others.

Present were: the ISSSTE Medical Sub-delegate, Carlos Domínguez Maldonado; the state commissioner for Conciliation and State Medical Arbitration, Ariosto Coutiño Niño; the general director of Isstech, Marco Antonio Ordóñez Juárez; the head of Health District Number 6 Palenque, María Elsa López González; the representative of the VII Military Region, David Dolores Nandiz; the local deputy Carlos Morelos Rodríguez; as well as the mayors of Yajalón, Juan Manuel Utrilla Constantino; from Tumbalá, Heydi Mayra Vázquez Arcos and from Salto de Agua, Roma Mena de la Cruz.

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