Rutilio Escandón delivers agricultural and fishing supplies to inhabitants of the Isthmus-Coast Region

by time news
  • In Tonalá, the governor stressed that with this support, productivity, the rural economy, as well as the sovereignty and food security of Chiapas and Mexico are paid
  • Announced the upcoming start of the delivery of fertilizer packages and the consolidation of the Center for Shrimp Production, for the benefit of this region
  • 3,000 bags of corn silage, 400 packages of supplies, tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis and brucellosis, and resources from Fishing for Well-being 2023 were awarded

In the delivery of inputs to producers in the agricultural and fishing sectors of the Isthmus-Coast Region, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas stressed that this government has assumed the commitment to strengthen production chains with the aim of raising productivity, strengthening the economy in rural areas, improve the quality of life of those who live and work in the countryside, as well as guarantee the sovereignty and food security of Chiapas and Mexico.

“I am very happy to support them with more agricultural inputs so that they can continue producing; rest assured that we will continue to do so because they are good, honest and hard-working people who are only looking to get ahead in order to fulfill their legitimate aspirations. We are convinced that if the Chiapas countryside is doing well, we will contribute our grain of sand so that Mexico is a prosperous country, where we can all live better”, he pointed out.

Escandón Cadenas announced that the Isthmus-Coast Region will continue to receive support through priority programs and projects, proof of this is that in the coming weeks the delivery of fertilizer packages will begin so that producers have everything they need at the beginning planting season; in addition to the consolidation of the Center for Shrimp Production, which will further detonate the aquaculture sector.

After thanking the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for the attention he provides to the productive sectors of Chiapas, the president called on the inhabitants to avoid social conflicts and violence, favor unity, peaceful coexistence and love of neighbor, as this will bring greater progress and well-being to the municipalities. Likewise, he asked to treat the visitors who will come to enjoy the beaches and tourist areas during this holiday season with respect and brotherhood.

In her speech, the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP), Zaynia Andrea Gil Vázquez, pointed out that the Government of Chiapas has been a great ally by supporting the primary sectors, which are considered national benchmarks by the high quality of its products.

He informed that, on this occasion, three thousand bags of corn silage, 400 packages of agricultural inputs are granted, as well as support corresponding to the progressive test plan for the diagnosis of tuberculosis and brucellosis, resources from the Fishing for Well-being Program 2023 to more of 10,000 fishermen in the area; coupled with the donation of 25 thousand liters of fuel for dredging the lagoon system on the coast, mainly Pijijiapan.

In turn, the president of the Fisheries Federation of the Coast and Soconusco, Isaías Ramírez Rodríguez, recognized that as a result of the good will of the Federal and State Government there are advances and tangible results, since the formalities have been broken. “We can see each other face to face. They take into account all the productive sectors, with humanism and with the heart; we are happy with their performance, and we value their support,” he said.

Finally, the mayor of Tonalá, Natividad de los Santos Miranda, thanked the State Government for the support it provides to this municipality, and expressed that the delivery of this support demonstrates the interest in strengthening the fishing and agricultural sectors, which is It will reflect in a better economy and greater well-being for Chiapas families.

Attended: from the State Congress, the deputy president of the Board of Directors, Sonia Catalina Álvarez; the deputy member of the Agriculture Commission, Yolanda Correa González; the vice president of the Agricultural Development Commission, Elizabeth Escobedo Morales; the member of the Livestock Development Commission, Karina Margarita del Río Zenteno; the deputy president of the Coffee Commission, Mario Humberto Vázquez López; the deputy president of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission, Faride Abud García; and the local deputy from District 15, María Reyes Diego Gómez.

Likewise, the federal deputy Manuel de Jesús Narcía Coutiño; the member of the Navegantes de Mar Muerto Fishing Cooperative Society, Maricela Ruiz Lorenzana; the community commissioner of Los Cocos, Rey Jesús Martínez Peña; the president of the Tonalá Local Livestock Union, Carlos Antonio Vázquez Zambrano; the mayors of Arriaga, Yolanda Alonso de los Santos; from Mapastepec, Elmer Nicolás Noriega Zavala; from Pijijiapan, Carlos Alberto Albores Lima; and the president of the Tonalá Ejidal Livestock, Francisco Jiménez Gutiérrez.

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