Rutilio Escandón inaugurates educational classrooms in Tuxtla Gutiérrez

by time news
  • The governor assured that no resources are spared so that children have safe, comfortable and beautiful school buildings
  • Eight didactic classrooms, a media room, the singing and games room, the Directorate, the sanitary service and the electrical network were improved, in addition the fence will be fixed

Amid the joy and excitement of students and teachers, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas inaugurated the rehabilitation of classrooms in the “Delfina Rincón” Kindergarten for Girls and Boys in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, where he expressed that they will continue to invest in improving schools because it is It is necessary to have safe, comfortable and beautiful buildings for children in Chiapas.

“We are not going to spare resources to meet this important need because we want girls and boys to be very safe, and to maintain their joy and commitment to their studies, because education gives us wings to fly, allows us to be free, seek equality, progress and makes human beings have a better quality of life”, he pointed out when announcing that the fence of this preschool will soon be fixed.

After explaining that this garden honors Delfina Rincón, a woman who dedicated her time to education, the president asked the students to take care of their classrooms, respect their teachers and teachers, as well as their mothers and fathers, and He called to continue studying with enthusiasm to favor the people of Chiapas and Mexico with his intelligence and ability.

Moved, the girl Mariana Courcel Mijangos, a third grade student, asked on behalf of her classmates to give the governor a hug while thanking him for his visit and the remodeling of her kindergarten.
Likewise, the director of this preschool, Alondra de Jesús Moguel León, recognized that the authorities paid the attention that the garden required, which since 1969 has been located in the first square of the capital of Chiapas, “however, we were a little abandoned . Thanks to the authorization of these works, we are happy because education is one of the great priorities and we are grateful for it from the bottom of our hearts”.

For her part, the Secretary of Education, Rosa Aidé Domínguez Ochoa, argued that the result of this work demonstrates the governor’s commitment to solving the physical infrastructure needs and promoting educational policy for the benefit of the children of the state. At the same time, she said that work will continue on this campus to guarantee quality spaces for the children.

Finally, the general director of the Institute of Physical Educational Infrastructure of the State, Enoc Gordillo Argüello, pointed out that the educational centers are in good condition, and in the case of the “Delfina Rincón” Kindergarten for Girls and Boys, made up of 220 students and 20 teachers, had deteriorated facilities, especially a building that was completely rehabilitated. He added that eight didactic classrooms, a media room, the song and games room, the Directorate, the sanitary service and the electrical network were improved.
They attended: the federal deputy, Adriana Bustamante Castellanos; the local deputy, Flor de María Esponda Torres; the president of the Association of Mothers and Parents, Miguel Ángel Doria Cundapí; and the head of the Educational Liaison Office of the Ministry of Public Education, José Francisco Nandayapa López.

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