Rutilio Escandón inaugurates electricity network in the town of Nuevo Corral Chén El Ángel, in SCLC

by time news
  • The governor responded to an old demand by expanding the coverage of this basic service to provide electricity to homes and illuminate the streets
  • He specified that, thanks to the good use of resources, priority projects with high social impact are being promoted, in order to put an end to the lag and raise the quality of life of the people.
  • In this work, an investment of more than 23 million pesos was made for the installation of 50 kilometers of wiring with new poles

In response to an old petition, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas did social justice to the families of the Nuevo Corral Chén el Ángel locality, in the municipality of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, with the installation of the electricity distribution network, through which fulfills the commitment of your government to expand the coverage of this basic service in marginalized communities and that for years were abandoned.

Accompanied by women and men from this indigenous town, the president toured and verified that the execution of this work, in which more than 23.4 million pesos were invested, is an efficient and quality distribution network, since, with the installation of 50 kilometers of cable with new poles, not only will electricity be provided to all homes, but the streets will also be illuminated, so that people can travel safely.

“In Chiapas, now more than ever, public resources are being allocated to priority projects with a high social impact, with the aim of meeting the most urgent needs of the people, ending the social gap and raising the quality of life of the population. people. That is why I am happy to see this work come to fruition, because from today the families of this community will enjoy this human right”, he expressed.

By emphasizing that his government will continue to work for the well-being of all the communities and ejidos of the 125 municipalities of the state, under the leadership and support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with the purpose of meeting the legitimate aspirations and consolidating the growth of the index of human development, Escandón Cadenas maintained that part of this is that in each project that is carried out, local labor is hired so that there is greater economic growth and more jobs are generated.

“Today we are living in new times, with a government that works by and for the people, and distributes most of the public budget in favor of the progress of the people, through social welfare programs. These are already a constitutional right, thanks to the humanitarian vision of President López Obrador, who is always attentive to supporting the most vulnerable, ”he emphasized.

The Secretary of State Public Works, Ángel Carlos Torres Culebro, informed that with an investment of more than 23 million pesos, the integral electrification of this town was carried out, and pointed out that thanks to the savings, resources were allocated for the installation of 200 solar lights. “The delivery of this project fulfills an old demand, and reaffirms the will of the Government of Chiapas to keep its word to ensure the well-being of the people.”
On behalf of the beneficiary inhabitants of Nuevo Corral Chén El Ángel, Sebastián Pérez argued that after many years of efforts and not being taken into account, this government made this work that allows the population to live with dignity a reality.

“Thank you for taking us into account and fulfilling your commitment to guarantee us this right to access electric power services,” he said.

The mayor of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Mariano Díaz Ochoa, expressed his gratitude to the State Government for listening and attending to the most urgent needs, since this great work, he explained, demonstrates the commitment of this government to bring well-being and progress through first quality electrical energy to all the localities of this municipality and the state.

“Many thanks to Governor Rutilio Escandón for this benefit and for investing public resources in the towns that need it most.”

Attended: the Secretary for the Sustainable Development of Indigenous Peoples in the State, Emilio Ramón Ramírez Guzmán; the judge of the Ejido Nuevo Corral Chen El Ángel, Juan Gómez Hernández; the municipal agent of the Ejido Nuevo Corral Chen El Ángel, José Pérez Méndez; the federal deputy for Chiapas from District 5, Yeimi Aguilar Cifuentes; on behalf of the State Congress, the local deputy for District 5, Fabiola Ricci Diestel; the president of the Youth and Sports Commission, Cuauhtémoc Manuel Hernández Gómez; the president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry Chiapas Delegation, Ana Karen Gómez Zuart; and the mayoress of Santiago El Pinar, Rosa Díaz Méndez.

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