Rutilio Escandón Inaugurates Multisports Complex and Recreational Park in Comitán

by time news
  • The governor stressed that with the support of AMLO, these works are consolidated that strengthen the urban image, health, safety, well-being and the social fabric
  • Delivered inputs belonging to the programs Occupying My Community, School with Values, Neighbor Watcher, and Creating is Growing Together Hand in Hand
  • He stressed that his government is doing its part to transform Chiapas through priority social projects and programs

In Comitán de Domínguez, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas inaugurated the Multisport Center with a Community Development Center in the Popular Colony and the “Pilita Seca” Recreational and Sports Park, where he stressed that thanks to the support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, these projects that, in addition to improving the urban image, contribute to health, safety, well-being and the strengthening of the social fabric.

“In President López Obrador, we have an honest and humane man, who at all times is attentive to the most sensitive needs of the population, especially those in the most vulnerable sectors. We tell the comitecos that they are not alone, they have their authorities working to advance their legitimate aspirations”, he pointed out when making a call to take care of and make good use of these public spaces.

After celebrating the modernization of this sports infrastructure promoted by the Secretary of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), the president stressed that his government is also doing what it should to advance the transformation of Chiapas and investing in health works , education, security, drinking water, roads, highways and roads, public services, as well as in the recovery of social and tourist spaces, among others.

On behalf of those who live in the Pilita Seca neighborhood, José Eduardo Alfonso Alfonso highlighted the conviction and political will of Governor Rutilio Escandón for executing important works for development in Chiapas, thus capturing well-being and social justice for the benefit of the population, with the example of President López Obrador.

During his visit to this municipality, Escandón Cadenas also delivered supplies and technological tools for security, education, and self-employment, in order to strengthen the prevention of violence, as part of the Occupying My Community, School with Values, and Neighbor Vigilante programs. , and Crear es Crecer Juntos de la Mano, while specifying that this type of initiative contributes to social peace and generates opportunities for labor and productive inclusion that improve people’s quality of life.

“We are all called to participate in this type of program, because in this way we do our bit to consolidate a true welfare state, where Chiapas can live well, in harmony, and with better opportunities to get out. go ahead,” he said.

In turn, the general director of the State Center for Social Prevention of Violence and Citizen Participation, Emma Itzel Orantes Ortega, explained that, on this occasion, supplies are delivered from different prevention programs that address the main risk factors in the municipalities that make up the region. In this vein, she urged to continue working with will and commitment. She assured that with the prevention of violence a Chiapas of peace and equality is built.

Meanwhile, Andrea Guadalupe García Solórzano, representing the beneficiaries of the prevention programs, stressed that this support allows them to learn and reflect on how to avoid violence at home and at school, with friends or family. “We are lucky people to have access to these programs, because that is how we help build a peaceful and secure Chiapas, where we are free from all kinds of violence.”

Finally, Mayor Mario Antonio Guillén Domínguez thanked the support of the Federal and State Governments for promoting actions that allow transforming the image of towns and promoting sports, family life and recreation through the rescue of public spaces such as the Multisports Center and this park located in one of the most emblematic neighborhoods of the city. Likewise, he thanked the delivery of tools to contribute to prevention and security.

Present were: the Secretary of Public Works, Ángel Torres; the head of the Executive Secretariat of the State Public Security System, Sergio Alejandro Aguilar Rivera; the representative of Sedatu, Consuelo Ponce Briones; On behalf of the State Congress, the deputies Yolanda Correa González, president of the Urban Development and Public Works Commission, and María Roselia Jiménez Pérez, from District VIII; the president of the Association of Deaf Expressing Hands, Yuridia Escalante Mejía; the mayors of Tzimol, Socoltenango, La Trinitaria and Las Rosas; as well as municipal authorities and people benefited from the works and programs.

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