Rutilio Escandón inaugurates the Expo Livestock Fair Tapachula

by time news


• The governor highlighted the livestock potential of Chiapas and endorsed his commitment to continue supporting this sector

• He led the coronation of the queen of the Fair Natalia I and gave recognition to the first queen of the Expo Feria Tapachula older adult, América de la Torre

Together with the town of La Perla del Soconusco and within the framework of an atmosphere of celebration and merriment, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas inaugurated the Expo Feria and the Tapachula Regional Livestock Exhibition 2023, where he highlighted the potential of Chiapas livestock and endorsed his commitment to continue supporting this sector, in order to further motivate the productivity and marketing of the herd in the state.

“In Chiapas we have exemplary high-registered cattle that are not only recognized locally and nationally, but also internationally, mainly in countries in North and South America, Europe and Asia; reason for which we feel proud and satisfied with the contribution of this sector in favor of the state’s economy, ”he said.

Pointing out the importance of this exhibition, which has grown significantly, both in production and in the quality of its products, Escandón Cadenas emphasized that during his administration he will continue to work in coordination with the authorities of the three levels of government to guarantee security and combat the crime of rustling.
“Today as never before, all the authorities are united making common cause to combat rustling with the full weight of the law. I want them to know that any crime that is committed in this and in many other matters will not go unpunished, because the hallmark of this government is to break the vicious circle and put an end to corruption,” he added.

Similarly, he indicated that, thanks to vaccination campaigns against diseases that affect livestock, to date tuberculosis and brucellosis have been combated, in order to have a healthy livestock, not only for food but also for reproduction. “We have grown the cattle herd by 10 percent and we are going for more.”

The Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Zaynia Andrea Gil Vázquez, pointed out that through the public policies promoted by this government, certainty continues to be generated for the livestock production sectors. She explained that 20 farms with 284 animals on display participate in this Livestock Exhibition, coming from the municipalities of Chicomuselo, Frontera Hidalgo, Huixtla, Mapastepec, Mazatán, Ocozocoautla, Pijijiapan, Tapachula, Tonalá, Villa Comaltitlán and Villaflores.

The president of the Association of Purebred Producers of Chiapas, Marco Antonio Barba Arrocha, recognized the sum of efforts in favor of the development of the sector, and informed that, thanks to the actions in the fight against rustling, the incidence of this has decreased crime.

He pointed out that, derived from regional, national and international cattle exhibitions, Chiapas produces and exports genetics to different countries, placing Tapachula as the gateway for Mexican cattle to Central America.

Meanwhile, the mayoress of Tapachula, Rosa Irene Urbina Castañeda, thanked the actions promoted by the government of Rutilio Escandón to make this municipality a safe destination for investments, and recognized the effort of the exhibitors, through which “we go back to the origin of tradition, of the inheritance of almost 60 years of a cultural, gastronomic, commercial and livestock exhibition, which is the fruit of the progress that distinguishes the Soconusco region”.

Within this framework, the state president led the coronation of Queen Natalia I and the delivery of a bouquet and charro hat to the first adult queen of the Tapachula Fair Expo, América de la Torre, where he expressed his approval of rescuing, after the pandemic, this emblematic celebration, which reflects the advances that put the region at the forefront and that calls for family unity. “I am sure that the queen will worthily represent her municipality.”

The president of the Board of Trustees of the Tapachula Fair, Antonio D’Amiano Gregonis, stressed that, after interrupting this tradition during the COVID-19 pandemic, this Expo Fair returns as a space par excellence where “we can meet as a family to learn, have fun and get to know the offer of artisan, educational, and commercial and business products; It is a space that unites us and shares dreams of our land”.

For her part, Valeria Palazuelos, outgoing queen, expressed her pride in having carried this distinction, that, although they were difficult years, they acted resiliently, with strength and unity to move forward, “I congratulate the organizers and collaborators, for having been part of this tradition.
In turn, Natalia I, queen of the Tapachula 2023 Fair, highlighted everyone’s effort for the festival of the Tapachultecos, which characterizes “our essence, culture and traditions; thanks to all those who believed in me, this hat symbolizes the crown of queens, the effort, the union, the perseverance and the love of all of us who live on this earth”.

Present were: the Chief of Staff of the 36th Military Zone, Jesús Adolfo Amparán Hernández; the commander of the 16th Naval Region, Fernando Alfonso Angli Rodríguez; the president of the Association of Purebred Breeders of the State, Marco Antonio Barba Arrocha; the prosecutor for Combat of Abigeato, Milton Carlos Castillejos Torres; the coordinator of the National Guard, José de Jesús Mora Robles and the Nicaraguan consul general in Tapachula, Denis Antonio Ruiz Castillo.
Likewise, the federal deputy José Luis Elorza Flores; on behalf of the State Congress, the deputy president of the Board of Directors, Sonia Catalina Álvarez; the deputy president of the Political Coordination Board, Yamil Melgar Bravo; the deputy Isidro Ovando Medina and the deputies Alejandra Martínez Coutiño and Yolanda del Rosario Correa González.

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