Rutilio Escandón inaugurates the reconversion of the Villa Comaltitlán Urban Health Center

by time news
  • Delivered an ambulance to guarantee safe transfers to patients
  • It has areas of psychology, prenatal care, early stimulation, external consultation, ultrasound, laboratory, radiography, dentistry and vaccination, among others.

When inaugurating the reconversion of the Villa Comaltitlán Urban Health Center, Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas expressed that guaranteeing dignified and timely health care for the people of Chiapas has been one of the priorities of this administration and is being demonstrated through the improvement of the facilities and equipment of the medical units in the state.

After verifying what was done in this Health Center, he pointed out that now nothing is missing to assist the population, to which he asked to take care of the facilities. In addition to the infrastructure and equipment, an ambulance was delivered that will adequately transport the patients; likewise, he said, it has human resources that are willing and do their job professionally and with added value.

“Take care of this space because it belongs to you and I assure you that as long as this government is present in Chiapas there will be no shortage of medicines, instruments or equipment, much less the strength and affection of health workers, because I will be watching ”, he added when announcing that in this municipality the construction of bridges and the children’s playground will soon be completed, and the project to build the Sports Unit will be carried out.

After emphasizing that health is essential to achieve social equality, Escandón Cadenas reiterated that official aircraft are now at the service of the safety, health, and civil protection of the Chiapas people, for which he was clear when mentioning that people can Call 911 if you have an emergency that requires this type of transfer.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Health, José Manuel Cruz Castellanos, specified that the Health Center, which has more than 30 years of service, today receives decent facilities so that the staff can do their job more efficiently; In addition to having a sufficiently stocked pharmacy. He added that this work adds to the reconversion of units that has been carried out in Soconusco, achieving the transformation of the lag that existed in this region.

The director of the Health Center, Edith Sánchez Moreno, thanked the State Government for promoting this medical unit, providing an adequate place and services that will allow better care in this municipality, such as: psychology, prenatal care, early stimulation, basic laboratory , ultrasound for pregnant women, x-rays, dentistry, vaccination and external consultation 24 hours a day, among others.

On behalf of the citizens, Blanca Imelda Martínez de León recognized the state president for making this dignified health center possible for the families of Villa Comaltitlán, and stressed that during other administrations they were never heard in their demands, and that today, thanks to the Fourth Transformation, is being fulfilled.

Finally, the municipal president of Villa Comaltitlán, Manuel de Jesús Cruz Coutiño, thanked and recognized the efforts and good administration of the State Government, because today history is being made and works are carried out that have a positive impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants. of this municipality, by providing them with health and well-being.

Present were: federal deputy Leonor Coutiño Gutiérrez; on behalf of the Command of the 7th Military Region, Víctor Manuel Moreno Avendaño; the deputies Yolanda del Rosario Correa González, Faride Abud García and Alejandra Estefany Martínez Coutiño; deputies Isidro Ovando Medina and Aarón Yamil Melgar Bravo; the person in charge of the Directorate of the High Specialty Regional Center, Rafael Heberto Guillén Villatoro; the municipal presidents of Tapachula, Frontera Hidalgo, Tuxtla Chico, Huixtla, Metapa, Acacoyagua, Mapastepec and Cacahoatán; as well as personnel from the Ministry of Health and residents of Villa Comaltitlán.

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