Sadhguru Ke Vichar, Sadhguru said in ancient times pregnant women were treated like jewels, told what wrong women are doing now – Sadhguru said in ancient times pregnant women were treated like a jewel – 2024-03-15 19:07:23

by times news cr

2024-03-15 19:07:23

Pregnancy is a very difficult and special time for every woman. At this time, women are advised to be very careful. However, now times have changed and women go out even when they are pregnant, travel to the country and abroad and go to the cinema. Sadhguru himself has said that in earlier times, pregnant women were taken great care of. What kind of people a pregnant woman should see and who she should stay away from, what she should read and what she should not read.

However now everything has changed. Now pregnant women are going to office, going to club and going to cinema. Now everything has changed. Sadhguru said that in earlier times, women were treated as if they were precious objects because it was from them that the child received values. The things the mother does are passed on to the child. This is the reason why women are advised to be around only good things during pregnancy so that their child can become better than them.

So let us know what things a pregnant woman should keep in mind at this time so that her child also develops good values.

pregnancy rituals

It is advisable for women to undergo Garbh Sanskar well in advance during pregnancy because it helps in developing good values ​​in the baby before birth. Know further how you can perform the Garbha Sanskar of the child inside the womb.

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child listens to mother

Babies in the mother’s womb can hear, so pregnant mothers are advised to be careful about what is said around them. A baby in the womb can hear the sounds of its mother and its surroundings and can remember them even after birth. In such a situation, mothers should stay away from negative things.

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Stress, anxiety and excessive negativity

Stress, anxiety and excessive negativity during pregnancy can shorten the gestation period and inadvertently lead to premature delivery. On the contrary, a positive attitude and active mother keeps her mentally positive and happy and enhances the baby’s neuron connections.

Mothers are advised to lead a positive, joyful, stress-free lifestyle during pregnancy, as per the ancient Indian science of Garbh Sanskar.

satvik diet

What to eat during pregnancy has no significant impact, but how to eat matters most. The Satvik diet is not just about the types of foods consumed, but also about the approach to eating, with an emphasis on food prepared with love, care, and caution.

meditation and yoga

Women must consult their doctor before doing yoga during pregnancy. Any inauthentic content from the internet can be harmful.

Meditation and prenatal yoga can help the mother remain calm, focused and stress-free during pregnancy. It also helps in improving physical strength, flexibility and overall well-being.

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