Placed under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, this annual meeting is also an opportunity to focus on the latest developments linked to the development of this sector, to learn about the results of scientific research and examine how this can be used to support the development and promotion of this sector, particularly in the face of the impact of climate change.
This Fair, built over a total area of 3,200 m2, with the layout of some 170 stands dedicated to the exhibition of more than 33 local products, also offers a platform for the exchange of expertise and good practices between different actors operating in this sector among others, professionals, caper producers, cooperatives, agro-industry companies, and researchers.
In a statement to MAP on this occasion, the president of the Provincial Association of Caper Producers in Safi (APPCA), Mohamed Eznaïni, said that the novelty of this edition is to have brought together a significant number of participating cooperatives , some 170 in total, including 25 cooperatives specializing in caper production, representing different regions of the Kingdom.
On the socio-economic importance of the caper industry, he said that it constitutes one of the most remarkable sectors in the province of Safi, noting that it offers employment to a large number of young people and women, particularly in rural areas.
And to continue that the National Caper Fair places the promotion of this important product at the heart of its priorities, while focusing on the development of scientific research in order to benefit from the virtues of this product and to diversify its use.
“Our ambition through this Fair is also to raise awareness of everything related to this sector and thereby, to promote this culture of caper consumption among citizens,” he continued.
This professional did not fail to express his wish to see this event become a real international meeting next year, welcoming the fact that this Fair triggers, from year to year, a real dynamic economic in this part of the national territory.
For his part, Mouhcine Aataki, from the Green Agricultural Cooperative in Sebt Gzoula, emphasized the importance of this rapprochement to which the Fair gives rise, by allowing visitors to come in large numbers to discover a multitude of local products and capers and other derived products.
Note that the National Caper Fair is organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests and the Provincial Association of Caper Producers of Safi, in partnership with the Province of Safi , the Chamber of Agriculture of Marrakech-Safi, the Provincial Council and the Municipal Council of Safi.
The caper sector is resilient to climate change and has a strong economic and social impact, making it possible to create around 4.5 million working days per year nationally, including 1.5 million in the Province of Safi.
The average production of capers on a national scale is estimated at more than 26,000 tonnes per year, of which approximately 9,000 tonnes are produced in the Province of Safi, or 35% of national production.
Regarding caper exports, it should be noted that Morocco exports on average 16,500 tonnes per year, including 7,600 tonnes per year from the province of Safi.
In the Marrakech-Safi region, caper cultivation is experiencing continued development as part of the “Green Generation” strategy, through the implementation of solidarity agricultural projects for the benefit of small farmers in Bour.
As for the total surface area achieved, it amounts to 8,600 ha, including 7,000 ha in the Province of Safi.
It should be noted that the extension of this area is planned to reach 15,000 ha by 2030.