Sailing: Banque Populaire wins the Transat Jacques Vabre

by time news

2023-11-13 00:39:39

Armel Le Cléach and Sébastien Josse won the Transat Jacques Vabre on Sunday evening, between Le Havre and Fort-de-France, in Martinique, after 14 days 10 hours 14 minutes of racing. It was 11:19 p.m. in Paris, 6:19 p.m. in Martinique, when the maxi-trimaran Banque Populaire more than two years.

The Le Cléac’h-Josse duo was practically in the lead from start to finish of the race, opting in particular for a daring and profitable strategy in Madeira which allowed them to get ahead of their opponents. “We checked off this race late, by asking the organizers to register the Ultim class, we were keen to do it because it is a historic event (it celebrates its 30th anniversary this year) for our small world of racing in the wide, explains Ronan Lucas, director of Team Banque Populaire. It is also excellent preparation for the world tour which will take place just behind. »

And now a world tour and the Olympic flame

On January 7 in Brest, the maxi Banque Populaire will be at the start of the first Ultim world tour, these giants of the seas now capable of flying. “Everyone will have learned a lot from this Transat, all 5 boats should be at the finish (that of the SVR of Tom Laperche and François Gabart was expected during the night from Sunday to Monday), continues Ronan Lucas. Until the equator, there was very little gap between the boats. Gradually, some revealed their little problems, but it bodes well to see the suspense between these boats, I think it will be even more intense during the world tour. The fact that it is solo allows you to level out the intrinsic value of the maxi. »

In January, Armel Le Cléac’h will be at the helm. By winning the Atlantic crossing on Sunday, the sailor takes a nice revenge after a complicated start in the Ultim Class and in particular an accident which caused the loss of the previous Maxi Trimaran, during the 2018 Route du rhum. A revenge also for Sébastien Josse, also unhappy in 2018 and who, following his retirement following damage, was sacked by the Gitana team.

With this success, Banque Populaire also returns to the forefront, after its image had been damaged during the brutal end of its collaboration with Clarisse Crémer, the icon of the Team’s former monohull program. The year 2024 promises to be busy for the team, since after the World Tour, Banque Populaire XI will be responsible, on June 7, for transporting the Olympic flame to the Antilles. On board a crew, still kept secret, of 6 or 7 people. The only certainty is that the two winners of the Transat Jacques Vabre, Armel Le Cléac’h and Sébastien Josse, will be there.

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