Sailing in the Pacific with the Star Clipper

by time news

Three ships belong to the Star Clippers fleet: the Star Clipper, her sister ship Star Flyer (pictured) and the Royal Clipper, the largest sailing ship in the world.
Bild: Star Clippers

The beauty of the sea is that nothing stands in your way: Traveling with the Star Clipper in the Pacific

Dhe man is a land creature, a land treader. He stands and walks and moves on the solid earth. This is his point of view and his ground; this is how he gets his point of view; that determines his impressions and his way of seeing the world. Not only his field of vision, but also the form of his walking and his movements, he gets his shape as an earth-born and earth-moving creature.

Rainer Hank

Freelance author in the business section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

It was Carl Schmitt, a dazzling legal scholar, whose essay “Land und Meer”, published in 1944, drew my attention to the fact that the seemingly self-evident cannot be taken for granted. We take our land perspective absolutely, even though, in terms of the extent of its surface, three-fourths of the planet is water and only one-fourth is earth, and even the largest continents float in the seas like islands. Instead of the globe, according to Schmitt, we could just as well or even more appropriately speak of the “sea ball” or the “ocean globe”.

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