Every August 31, the Virgin of Tears is celebrated, a Marian devotion that originated in Syracuse (Italy) in the middle of the 20th century, when an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary sheds tears over and over again.

In 1994, Pope St. John Paul II visited the place, he referred to those tears as “tears of pain for those who reject the love of God … tears of pain and hope” for the conversion of the world.

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The tears, Mother

The miracle happened in 1953, in the noble house of the spouses Angelo Lannuso and Antonina Lucia Giusti. The couple had made an image of the Virgin Mary in their bedroom as a plaster relief. For four days, between August 29 and September 1, tears fell from the eyes of the image.

Antonina was the first to witness the miracle, being pregnant with her first child at the time. The Lannuso couple received the image of the Virgin as a wedding gift.

The local priest, Father Giuseppe Bruno, arrived at Lannuso’s house with several people, including some scientists, such as Dr. Michele Cassola, openly atheist doctor. On the spot, the experts were direct witnesses of the miracle – which would later form the commission that would investigate the events – that it would not be repeated from that day on.

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