Every August 11th, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Clare of Assisi, founder, along with ⁤St.⁤ Francis of ⁤Assisi, of the Order of⁢ Poor Sisters, posthumously known ​as “Poor‌ Sisters” in ⁢her ⁢honor.⁢ Saint Clare of Assisi is considered the‍ patron saint of television and telecommunications.

Francis of Assisi, brother

Saint Clare, whose name represents purity and brightness, was born in 1194 in Assisi (Italy)…

That same night, in front of Christ San​ Damiano, Clare renounced forever the⁤ things of⁣ the world “for the ⁣love of the most holy and beloved Child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying on the manger.”‌ He was⁣ given the habit of the brothers and Francis himself cut his golden hair. From that moment on the⁢ saint began to be part of the Order of Friars Minor.

The miracle of bread

Saint⁤ Clare ​lived almost her entire ⁢religious life in the monastery of San Damiano. One day, ⁣there was only one loaf in⁣ the cupboard and fifty had to be fed. Saint Clare blessed him and made​ everyone pray the Lord’s Prayer. Seconds later the‍ miracle happened: Clara multiplied the bread and distributed it to her sisters…

For ​God nothing is impossible

One of the most ⁢famous⁢ events of ⁤his life happened on the day of the Solemnity ⁣of the Nativity of Christ. While seriously ill, she was miraculously transported from her bed to the church of San Francisco…

Patron of ⁤telecommunications and television

In the late 1950s, television emerged as one of‌ the most important forms of ‍communication in​ modern society. In response to this, Pope⁣ Pius XII blessed the ​new technology, and offered the company and protection of the Catholic Church to guide this‍ new tool within the limits of what is human right…

In the heart of God’s Community

In September 2010, Pope Benedict XVI said that the life ⁣of Saint Clare is an example of the importance of women in church life…

More information:

For more⁤ information ‍on Saint Clare of⁢ Assisi, please visit the following ⁤article: <a ‍href="https://ec.aciprensa.com/wiki/SantaClaradeAs”>https://ec.aciprensa.com/wiki/SantaClaradeAs