Every 1 September the Church celebrates San Gilalso known as San Egidio Abad.

Among the “helpers”

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San Gil (in Latin: Aegidiusin French: Guyin Italian: Egidio), sometimes known as Egidio the Hermit, was a Benedictine monk of Greek origin who lived between the 6th and 7th centuries. Tradition held him up as an example of goodness and a merciful spirit. His biographers often emphasize the sensitivity and wisdom he treated everyone who came into his presence, as well as his constant encouragement to call everyone to conversion.

An ancient Germanic devotion places him among the “fourteen holy helpers”, that is, among those blessed ones who are known for their “efficacy” in responding to the requests of their devotees.

France, the land of holiness

Egidio was born in Athens (Greece, at that time part of the Byzantine Empire) into a wealthy noble family. The exact date of his birth is not certain, but it is believed to have been around the year 640.

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