Saints Faustino and Jovita: What saint is celebrated today? Consult the saints for Thursday, February 15

by time news

Updated Thursday, February 15, 2024 – 06:52

HoyThursday February 15the Catholic Church celebrates in its saints the festivities of the Saints Faustino and Jovita, San Mauro abad y Saint John Calibitaamong those of other saints and blesseds.

Faustino and Jovita They were two male brothers born between the end of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century in Brescia (Lombardy) and within a noble family. Baptized and educated in the Christian faith, they were recruited by the city bishop, Apolloniusto begin an ecclesiastical life: Faustino was ordained a priest and Jovita, a deacon.

The brothers carried out an important work of evangelism. Their spread of the faith was successful, to the point that even pagans stopped to listen to them.

However, the popularity of Jovita and Faustinus’ preaching led to the brothers being arrested by the authorities of the Roman Empire. The religious were tortured and sent to Milan, Rome and Naples before being returned to Brescia, an itinerary that was to serve as a mockery to the Christians.

Despite the torture they received, the brothers not only did not renounce their faith, but during their journey as prisoners They managed to baptize numerous people. Faced with this situation, Emperor Hadrian ordered the completion of the martyrdom from both beheading them.


Today’s saints, February 15celebrate the following onomastic:

  • San Faustino
  • Saint Jovita
  • San Mauro abad
  • Saint John Calibita
  • Saint Paul, first hermit
  • Saint Decoroso
  • Saint Severus of Valeria
  • San Walfrido
  • San Quinidio

He catholic saints is the group of people recognized by the Iglesia as saints or blessed on a specific date. The Roman Martyrology is the document that names and distributes in the calendar the almost 7,000 saints and blessed recognized by the Church.

The saints are outstanding men and women in the various religious traditions for their special relationships with the divinities or for a particular ethical elevation. While the consideration of blessed constitutes the third step on the path to canonization.

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