Saints for September 15: Our Lady of Sorrows

by time news

2023-09-15 02:00:00

Devotion to the Virgin of Sorrows – also known as the Virgin of Bitterness, the Virgin of Pity or, simply, as the “Dolorosa” – dates back to ancient times. This can even go back to the origins of the Church, when Christians remembered the pains of the Lord, always associated with those of his Mother Mary, as recorded in Scripture.

However, it is necessary to specify that the dedication of Our Lady of Sorrows, Mater Dolorosa, takes shape and momentum only at the end of the 11th century. Decades later, around 1239, in the diocese of Florence, the Servites (Order of Friars Servants of Mary) were the first to set aside a special day to commemorate the Virgin in her suffering.

The day chosen was September 15; a day that would be made official at the beginning of the 19th century (1814) by Pope Pius VII, who granted it the rank of festival.

#Saints #September #Lady #Sorrows

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