Salary increases and promotion tracks: a new agreement for National Insurance employees

by time news

2023-12-28 14:08:12

A new salary agreement was signed today (Thursday) for National Insurance employees (in the non-senior ranks). The agreement includes differential grants in accordance with parameters set by the management, increasing salary increases in relation to deepening the institution’s fields of activity, providing professional training, expanding promotion paths, and more.

All of these are intended to improve the service to the citizen directly, to enable the National Insurance to recruit quality employees, to encourage professional excellence in the organization, to deepen specialization in the core of the institution’s work, as well as to enable essential functional continuity. The agreement, which was signed after lengthy negotiations, allows for a professional promotion outline that encourages training, a mechanism for improving the absorption of employees and a mechanism that enables the performance of new assignments as part of the current work and in accordance with the agreement.

The agreement was signed in a ceremony attended by the chairman of the Histadrut Arnon Bar-David, Director General of the National Insurance Yarona Shalom and the head of wages at the Ministry of Finance Efi Malkin.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said: “National Insurance employees have been working for years for the welfare of the public and its rights. Their important activity gained new validity with the outbreak of war when they worked and are working a lot for the population. The new salary agreement recognizes the importance of their work and the importance of strengthening the National Insurance. I thank the supervisor For the salary at the Ministry of Finance Efi Malkin, for the chairman of the Histadrut Arnon Bar-David and all those concerned for obtaining an important agreement for the employees of the National Insurance and for all the citizens of Israel.”

Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David: “I welcome this significant agreement, which improves wages and conditions for thousands of workers who work devotedly for the people of Israel. The National Insurance is a body that works well and is constantly at the peak of activity. As you can see, even now – during a war, you acted creatively and opened your heart, just like the public even lied during an emergency. And all this, beyond the current work. The agreement gives a push forward and encourages excellence, and it will strengthen the entire organization. Thank you to all those involved in the work – from the Histadrut of the State Employees, the workers’ committees, the management and the treasury. Be strong and embrace it.”

Chairman of the Histadrut Arnon Bar-David (Photo: Spokesperson’s Department of the Histadrut)

Payroll Commissioner Efi Malkin: “The National Insurance and its employees are, routinely and in emergencies, at the forefront of civil assistance to residents. This is a good and balanced agreement, which will help improve the various services both in the short and long term. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the process, and in particular the workers and employees of the payroll department for the professional and hard work”.

Chairman of the Histadrut Ovadi Ovedi Alkalai, attorney Ofir Alkalai: “The National Insurance is an island of excellence. Cooperation between employees and management – which in the end serves the people of Israel. Especially in these difficult moments, the treatment of the thousands of victims from the war that was done with sensitivity, professionalism and humanity stands out for the better. I I would like to say thank you to the dedicated employees who do their job faithfully on a regular basis and even more so right now. The agreement not only encourages excellence, but also improves wages, especially in the lower ranks. I would of course also thank the workers’ committee, to attorney Erez Opinkaro on behalf of the State Employees’ Union, to the legal office in the trade union division, To the management and the finance people.”

The Director General of the National Insurance, Yarona Shalom: “What exists here in our organization is a connection that is not always trivial, but it is a successful connection between management and employees, and in a broader sense also between the Histadrut and the Treasury. In recent years, we have succeeded in changing the DNA of The National Insurance, to strive for excellence and better service to the citizen and we have seen this in times of crisis – and this happened, among other things, thanks to the partnership between the parties. Thanks to the Chairman of the Histadrut State Employees Ofir Alkalai for the way that creates cohesion and is reflected in the good labor relations. This is a good agreement for employees and will strengthen the National Insurance.”

Yaron Sarfati, chairman of the national committee of the branch employees, and Yoram Adika, chairman of the national committee of the headquarters employees: “What unites us is the service to the citizen. We are happy to be part of an organization that has as its goal the value of excellence and service. We thank the chairman of the Histadrut that outlines the way, and we at the National Insurance take it forward. I would also like to thank the chairman of the State Employees Union, whose commitment to the organization is worthy of all appreciation. Thank you to the management for the trust and cooperation.”

On behalf of the Histadrut, the director of the national division and the chairman of the trade union in the Histadrut, attorney Erez Opinkaro, attorney Maya Franco and Miri Malki from the legal bureau in the trade union division, also participated on behalf of the Histadrut; on behalf of the Treasury: Deputy Commissioner for Wages Yoni Fat, Omer Hazan, Sophie Werner, Haim Eliach, Attorney Orli Yishai-Ganz and Attorney Roni Levy.

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