Sales of motorcycles and light electric vehicles fell by almost 7% in July

by time news

2023-08-02 14:32:10

The motorcycle and light vehicle sector experienced an intense recovery in the month of July after last year’s sharp drop (-7.8%). These data allow the sector to be growing at 10.6% per year.

These are positive data influenced by the fall last year due to the lack of supplies that existed, but the user continues to rely on motorcycles and light vehicles for their trips.

In the month of July, the sector has grown by 19.8%, reaching 22,541 units. By channels, companies experienced the greatest increase (68.2%) followed by individuals (17.7%), which with a weight of 85% is the most significant in the market. On the other hand, the RAB channel (Rent a Bike) shows a drop of 48.6%, with 387 units.

The main market, that of motorcycles, increased the number of registrations by 20.5% with 19,496 new registrations; with a distribution of the cake of 58% for scooters (11,322 units), 38% for road motorcycles (7,468 units) and 4% for off-road motorcycles (693 units).

In July, all displacements yielded positive data, with an increase in low displacement (up to 125 cc) of 12.3%, in medium displacement (from 126 to 750 cc) of 42.1% and with maximum growth concentrated in the high displacement (for motorcycles of more than 750 cc) of 50.6%.

The electric ones are stopped

Faced with the positive data at a general level, the month of July 2023 again shows negative data in terms of registrations in the sector of motorcycles and 100% electric light vehicles (category L) with a decrease of 6.6% compared to the records of the same month of the previous year.

Scooters, motorcycles and microcars fell, while the great growth of mopeds and tricycles, due to their low weight in the market, was unable to offset the negative figures. However, the share of penetration of electric vehicles stands at 6.8%, which is a good figure compared to other types of vehicles.

The general secretary of ANESDOR, José María Riaño, explained that “electric motorcycles need an urgent review of the MOVES Plan. We must include mopeds and motorcycles of more than €10,000, which are the ones with the highest benefits and allow extra-urban mobility. In addition, bureaucracy must be reduced and the receipt of aid has to be expedited. The next government must be aware and act quickly to achieve a more favorable scenario.

In the general calculation of motorcycles (mopeds, scooters and motorcycles) the market experienced a decrease of 4.5%, despite the growth of the moped, which thanks to the registration of company fleets rose by 82.2% (with 727 units). , while that of the scooter decreased by 32.7% (with 591 units) and that of the motorcycle by 65.4% (with 56 units).

Regarding the sales channels among motorcycles, that of companies continues to be the most prominent with an increase of 287%, while that of individuals and that of RAB (Rent a Bike) decreased by 52.5% and 85%. .6% respectively. These are data that follow the trend accumulated for the year, with an increase of 53% in the business channel and decreases of 33.2% among individuals and 70.9% in RAB.

Tricycles in this period increase their registrations by 105%, although with only 41 units, it is a segment with very low weight, which means that small variations represent a high percentage variation.

Microcars fell 35%, with 102 units, despite the fact that in the year to date they are in good health with a growth of 11.7% thanks to their 850 units.

Unlike what happens with combustion engines, with growth of almost 20% in July, 100% electric motorcycles and light vehicles continue to not arouse the interest of the general public, despite representing one of the most popular mobility solutions. suitable for the urban environment.

#Sales #motorcycles #light #electric #vehicles #fell #July

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