Salon de l’agriculture: Ile-de-France yogurts still multi-awarded at the Salon de l’agriculture

by time news

Even with dozens of medals on the clock for eight years, Benoît Dupré is still feverish at the announcement of the results of the General Agricultural Competition. Installed at the crossroads of an alley at the Agricultural Show, the director of the Ferme de Viltain savors his five new medals on Tuesday, including one in gold for vanilla yogurt.

“Vanilla yoghurt is hotly contested. It is emblematic in assembly with milk. And then you have to put some for it to taste, ”insists the fifty-year-old at the head of 50 employees in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines).

Even its very young range, “Petit Saclait”, present in supermarkets since last year, won two medals. “It is the result of daily work. I immediately called the workshop to thank the ten employees who are in production”, applauds the business manager who, with 4 million yoghurts produced per year with the milk of the cows on the farm, has conquered the Parisian grocery stores and company restaurants.

“It gives buyers confidence”

Anxious to always improve, he will look at the comments left by the jurors on his production. “It’s important to take into account changing tastes,” he says. The medals will be displayed in the farm shop, in addition to being labeled on the thousands of winning yogurts. “It reassures customers about their choice, it stabilizes the markets,” he also analyzes.

Same observation for Ottmann Beirouk from the Sigy farm (Seine-et-Marne) who is rewarded almost every year, and this time again with two silver medals and one bronze. “It gives buyers confidence,” he says.

La Ferme de la Tremblaye, in La Boissière-Ecole (Yvelines) won two medals, including one gold for its natural organic yoghurt. The Lesaffre Brothers company in Nangis (Seine-et-Marne) won silver in the same category.

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