Salut Mental Catalunya presents its Activity Report 2022

by time news

2023-07-24 09:55:07

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 96696
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-07-24 09:55:07
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-07-24 07:55:07
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”96706″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The Catalunya Mental Health Federation has published its Activities Report for 2022, marked by the continuity of the work of previous years, to implement services, which already began in 2021, after the stoppage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in coordination with the different community agents in the territory. Among the main aspects, the Catalan federation highlights the 2,481 requests for information and advice received, most of them made by women between 45 and 59 years of age. 91.5% (2,271) of the claims corresponded to this profile. In addition, the federation’s website received 39,850 visits. Another of the aspects that Salut Mental Catalunya stands out is related to violations of rights: in 2022 they registered 273 cases and another 178 highly complex legal cases were also dealt with. The federation also highlights the numerous training sessions carried out both for family members and for people with their own experience in mental health. Likewise, it gives importance to the activity carried out by the Mutual Aid Groups, with more than 100 initiatives: 45 aimed at families, 45 at people with their own experience and 14 to promote emotional well-being; the latter are newly created and open to everyone. In this sense, the entity also highlights the opening of new community spaces, such as the expansion of service spaces in the Pyrenees or new GAMs in the territories.

Summary of the main results:

481 demands of information and advice on mental health attended in the Espai Situa’t 271 personas who have made the demands, the majority profile of which are women with mental health problems between 45 and 59 years old 850 website visits
178 highly complex cases attended to the Espai Situa’t 273 cases of violation of rights registered + from 100 Mutual Aid Groups (GAM)
+ of 45 GAM in 1st person
+ of 45 GAM from family members
14 Emotional well-being GAM
2 training to dynamize GAM of emotional well-being (FDGAM) 21 participants in emotional well-being training
53 participants to GAM training
5 trainings carried out

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[post_title] => Salut Mental Catalunya presents its Activity Report 2022
[post_excerpt] => Last year the federation received 2,481 requests for information and advice, of which 91.5% (2,271) came from women between 45 and 59 years of age. The Mutual Aid Groups (GAM) were also protagonists during 2022, with more than 100 initiatives.
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[post_name] => memoria-mental-health-catalonia-2022
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[post_modified] => 2023-07-24 09:55:07
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-07-24 07:55:07
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Salut Mental Catalunya presents its Activity Report 2022

Last year the federation received 2,481 requests for information and advice, of which 91.5% (2,271) came from women between 45 and 59 years of age. The Mutual Aid Groups (GAM) were also protagonists during 2022, with more than 100 initiatives.

The Catalunya Mental Health Federation has published its Activities Report for 2022, marked by the continuity of the work of previous years, to implement services, which already began in 2021, after the stoppage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in coordination with the different community agents in the territory.

Among the main aspects, the Catalan federation highlights the 2,481 requests for information and advice received, most of them made by women between 45 and 59 years of age. 91.5% (2,271) of the claims corresponded to this profile. In addition, the federation’s website received 39,850 visits.

Another of the aspects that Salut Mental Catalunya stands out is related to violations of rights: in 2022 they registered 273 cases and another 178 highly complex legal cases were also dealt with.

The federation also highlights the numerous training sessions carried out both for family members and for people with their own experience in mental health. Likewise, it gives importance to the activity carried out by the Mutual Aid Groups, with more than 100 initiatives: 45 aimed at families, 45 at people with their own experience and 14 to promote emotional well-being; the latter are newly created and open to everyone.

In this sense, the entity also highlights the opening of new community spaces, such as the expansion of service spaces in the Pyrenees or new GAMs in the territories.

Summary of the main results:

481 demands of information and advice on mental health attended in the Espai Situa’t 271 personas who have made the demands, the majority profile of which are women with mental health problems between 45 and 59 years old 850 website visits
178 highly complex cases attended to the Espai Situa’t 273 cases of violation of rights registered + from 100 Mutual Aid Groups (GAM)
+ of 45 GAM in 1st person
+ of 45 GAM from family members
14 Emotional well-being GAM
2 training to dynamize GAM of emotional well-being (FDGAM) 21 participants in emotional well-being training
53 participants to GAM training
5 trainings carried out

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#Salut #Mental #Catalunya #presents #Activity #Report

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