Salute to the late Yoram Taharlev, our tiny country

by time news

To commemorate the work and memory of the great composer in Israeli culture and music, the late Yoram Taharlev.

For this purpose, four leading Israeli artists were selected: Yardena Arazi, Shlomi Shabbat, Narkis and Liran Danino, who recorded a new performance of the mythological song “All Your Plays Are Not Over Yet”

The song was re-produced in a contemporary and exciting version by Avi Ohayon and Matan Dror and Musk together with an exciting and authentic clip featuring a glorious Israeli landscape featuring Israeli families touring home sites and museums around the country in Home Video style, alongside documentation of the artists recording the song together in the studio.

The late Yoram Taharlev is considered one of the most prominent poets in the history of the country who shaped Israeli culture and identity when during 60 years of activity he wrote close to 1,000 songs, which were performed by the most prominent performers and singers in our country.

The late Taharlev wrote many poems about the homeland, nature and was connected to the land, heritage and landscapes of the Land of Israel and wonderfully commemorated them in the most magical way in his poems.

The re-enactment of the song by the late Yoram Taharlev will lead the Bank Hapoalim Passover project, as part of which for 17 years during the Passover holiday, the bank has opened dozens of free museums, heritage and nature sites throughout the country for all the people of Israel.

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