Sam Altman’s Negotiations for Return to OpenAI After Ousting: Latest Updates

by time news

Updated Nov. 19, 2023 8:26 pm ET

Sam Altman Attempting to Negotiate Return to OpenAI After Ouster

SAN FRANCISCO—Two days after Sam Altman was ousted from OpenAI, he was back at the company’s office, trying to negotiate his return.

The former chief executive officer entered with a guest badge on Sunday and posted on X: “first and last time i ever wear one of these.”

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It was a surprising turn of events as Sam Altman, the former chief executive officer of OpenAI, attempted to negotiate his return to the company just two days after being ousted. Altman was seen at the company’s office with a guest badge on Sunday, making it clear that he was attempting to make a comeback.

Altman’s return to the office and public statement on X indicate that he is not willing to accept his ouster quietly. It remains to be seen how the negotiations will unfold and whether Altman will be successful in his attempt to return to OpenAI.

The situation is developing and further updates are expected as the negotiations progress. Stay tuned for more information on this developing story.

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