Sambava: The liberalization of the vanilla sector confirmed by Andry (…)

by time news

After the vote of the exporters for the liberalization of the vanilla sector at the beginning of the month, the State in turn validates this release under certain conditions.

After an exchange of several hours between Andry Rajoelina and the actors of this sector yesterday at the gymnasium of Sambava, the liberalization of the sector is thus recorded. A provision which would aim to sell the many stocks to growers who cannot find takers and which paralyzes the sector.

Operators, exporters, collectors, peasant planters and elected officials took turns to share the problems they face and propose solutions which, according to them, can remove the obstacles to the development of the vanilla sector. During this meeting, Andry Rajoelina was accompanied by Prime Minister Christian Ntsay but surprisingly the Minister of Commerce Edgard Razafindravahy was absent.

Within the framework of this liberalization, the granting of approval for export will be facilitated and accelerated, new approvals will thus have to be granted. A commission will be set up to study the new requests, it will be formed by representatives of the Ministry of Commerce, the Presidency of the Republic and the authorities at the regional level. The processing time for the file should not exceed 4 days, according to the Head of State. The exporters having received the approvals will have to undertake to repatriate the currencies. The Ministry of Commerce announced a few weeks ago that 70% of foreign currency from exports will have to be repatriated. The counter-visit carried out in Antananarivo before export will be canceled to simplify the procedures. The strengthening of controls will be done at the level of local authorities.

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