Samples in France: Macron won the first round of elections; Le Pen followed

by time news

Emanuel Macron won the most votes in the first round of the French presidential election and will run together with Marin Le Pen for the second round of elections to be held in two weeks, on April 24; This emerges from samples released tonight, with the polls closing across France. Macron, who has been in office for the past five years, has beaten recent polls, receiving 28.1% of the vote, compared to an expected 26%. Marin Le Pen received 23.3% of the vote.

Of the ten other candidates who ran in the presidential election, Jean-Luc Melenchon from the left received about 20.1%, a good result at 3% of what the recent polls predicted. Arik Zamor, a TV man of Jewish descent who represents the right-wing opposition to immigration, received 7.2% and Valery Packers from the center-right received about 5% of the vote, according to the samples. The bloc picture shows that the race in two weeks may be close, and a key question will be how many of Melanchone’s voters will “defect” to the right and vote for Le Pen, who has promised similar steps in the cost of living and pensions as the left-wing candidate. At the same time, the relatively strong result of Le Pen may lead to a “Guild” campaign by the center-left in the next two weeks.

Of the 48 million eligible voters, about 73.5%, four percent less than in 2017. However, this is a higher rate than other elections. The eyes are now on a possible televised confrontation between Macron and Le Pen, and on the recommendations – if any – of other candidates’ candidates for whom to vote in the second round. While in the previous round Macron defeated Le Pen with about 66% of the vote, the polls before the first round today gave him between 51% and 53% only.

Le Pen refrained from controversial remarks in an attempt to convey that she was “ripe” to serve as French president

This is her third time — Penn is running for office. Le Pen successfully avoided controversial statements during her campaign, promising reforms that would help the public like lowering energy prices, and the message she tried to convey was that her third run for office was “ripe” to serve as French president, and that she “represents the people.” Among other things, she proposed lowering the VAT on all fuel products, including petrol and diesel, in an attempt to reduce energy prices that have broken records in recent months. The program with the help of a war on black capital and with the help of restrictions on illegal immigration.

Macron, on the other hand, gambled that the role he plays in dealing with the Russian war against Ukraine would play in his favor, neglected the public campaign and much to say that “he does not have much time to devote” to campaign events. In recent days, his supporters have tried to warn the public of a possible victory for Le Pen, if the turnout is not high – and begged them to go out and vote.

Compared to Macron, Le Pen has expressed skepticism about the EU and NATO membership, and has previously met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and praised him. – A sworn European, and even promoted the establishment of a common European army and the joint taking of duties by the EU countries.

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