Samsung: is the world’s hottest cell phone camera coming with 200 megapixels? | Life & Knowledge

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Is the megapixel craze returning to smartphone cameras?

Samsung has presented a new photo chip for cell phones with a gigantic resolution of 200 megapixels. The small component with the less glamorous name Isocell HP1 is the world’s first cell phone image sensor with such a high number of pixels.

Is Samsung building the world’s hottest smartphone camera soon?

It is clear that the Koreans will soon be able to install their chip in a new smartphone. The Isocell HP1 fits “comfortably into modern portable devices”, explains Samsung in one Press release.

But what is this crazy resolution? Modern cell phones usually take photos with a 12-megapixel resolution, which is absolutely sufficient for excellent photo quality.

Samsung explains that cameras with the Isocell HP1 can also take photos with a resolution of 12 megapixels. The trick: 16 neighboring pixels are combined into one larger pixel. The manufacturer speaks of a ChameleonCell technology.

Thanks to these large pixels, the camera should capture more image information in poor lighting conditions and achieve better photo quality.

In bright daylight, however, the sensor also takes photos with the extremely high resolution of 200 megapixels. He can also record videos in 8K quality at 30 frames per second.

It is still unclear in which cell phone a camera with such a monster resolution could have its premiere. However, on the internet speculatedthat Samsung’s upcoming top model Galaxy S22 will be equipped with the 200 megapixel camera.


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