Samu-Urgences de France deplores the call for a strike by liberal doctors

by time news

Concern and tension mount around the situation at the hospital. Faced with the “dizzying” increase in activity in the emergency services, the president of the Samu-Urgences de France association deplored on Tuesday the call for a strike by liberal doctors during the holidays, already condemned by the health Minister.

“This strike is coming at the worst of times,” said Tuesday on France Bleu Alsace Marc Noizet, head of emergencies in Mulhouse and successor to the current Minister of Health, François Braun, head of the Samu-Urgences association in France.

“For 15 days, we have observed an excessively large increase, which I would almost describe as dizzying, in activity in the centers” of the Samu, he added, referring to the “epidemic flu peak”, to which are added bronchiolitis and Covid-19 epidemics. “We are at the limit of what we are able to do with the means at our disposal at this end of the year period”, he concluded.

The “Doctors for Tomorrow” collective, created at the end of the summer, called on liberal doctors to go on strike between Christmas and New Year’s Day, with the support of several unions (UFML, FMF, SML, Young Doctors). François Braun, “strongly” condemned this call for a strike, in a statement sent Monday by his ministry to the press.

A national demonstration in Paris on January 5

“While our health system is facing an exceptional situation, particularly given the triple epidemic which is continuing throughout France, this is putting increased pressure on hospitals and emergency services which are already in a critical situation”, stressed the minister. He welcomed the decision of the main unions (MG France, CSMF, Avenir Spé) which “did not call a strike” and encouraged “this spirit of responsibility to prevail”.

François Braun will make this Tuesday “at the end of the day” an update with the ARS, the CHUs and the hospital federations on the situation of the hospitals.

The central demand of the “Doctors for Tomorrow” collective remains the doubling of the basic consultation fee (from 25 to 50 euros) to create a “shock of attractiveness” towards city medicine in dire need of staff, crushed by the administrative tasks and which no longer attracts young people. The collective is planning a national demonstration in Paris on January 5.

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