San Francisco Solano. catholic saints

by time news

2023-07-14 07:59:00

July 14, 2023 / 12:59 a.m.

Every April 18 the Catholic Church celebrates San Francisco SolanoFranciscan missionary who arrived from Spain to America in viceroyalty times.

San Francisco Solano dedicated his life to the evangelization of the native peoples of the New Continent and to the spiritual accompaniment of those who came, like him, with the desire to share the Good News of the Gospel.

It is said that he had a great voice, a musical soul and great eloquence. His ability to learn the languages ​​of the indigenous peoples is also highlighted – there is talk of an authentic gift of languages ​​- and that he performed many miraculous cures.

Missionary soul

Francisco Sánchez Solano Jiménez -by his first name- lived between the 16th and 17th centuries. He was born in 1549 in Montilla, Andalusia (Spain), into a Christian home. His first academic training was with the Jesuits, but he entered the Franciscan Order. The young Francisco was attracted to the spirit of poverty established by the Saint of Assisi.

In 1570 he made his religious profession. Soon after, he was sent to the Sevillian convent of Nuestra Señora de Loreto, where he studied philosophy and theology, and had the opportunity to develop his qualities for music and singing. Francisco knew how to play the rebec – a bowed string instrument considered the predecessor of the violin – as well as the guitar. He was ordained a priest in 1576.

In 1581, the novice priest was entrusted with the vicariate of the Arruzafa convent in Cordoba, where he held the position of master of novices. Years later, he was sent to America as a missionary. He traveled the lands of South America for 20 years evangelizing his peoples. He undertook a historic journey on foot from Lima (Peru) to Tucumán (Argentina), which forced him to cross the Andes mountain range and cross the Collao plateau (Bolivia) and the Argentine pampas, passing through the Paraguayan Chaco.


As a missionary he had to face many dangers. It is said that, for example, while he was preaching in La Rioja (Argentina) a group of natives arrived ready to attack the population. San Francisco Solano came out with a crucifix in his hand and addressed the attackers in his own language, managing to stop them. After his intervention, the looters themselves embraced the Christian faith.

On another occasion, a man with sores on his legs approached him. The poor man walked with great difficulty, aided by crutches. It is said that the saint approached, welcomed him and kissed his sores, and instantly the sick man was healed..

The superiors of the Order summoned him to return to Lima, and although he was not at all attracted to city life -far from the spiritual children he had adopted- he obeyed the call. After arriving in the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru, he was entrusted with high responsibilities and important positions, which did not prevent him from continuing to live in a spirit of detachment and poverty. In his cell Francisco only had a bunk, a blanket, his cross, a chair and a table; and on this a lamp, the Bible and a few books.

“Rejoice always in the Lord” (Phil 4, 4)

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Francisco had a joyful spirit, and he transmitted that joy to whoever wanted to listen when he sang or played the rebec. One day, he went out to visit one of the other convents in Lima, where, it was said, the religious seemed excessively serious and timid.

The saint, after reminding those men of the interior and exterior joy that Saint Francis of Assisi spoke of, began to sing and dance so jocularly that everyone ended up involved in singing. The joy of following the Lord touched the hearts of the religious that day.

Shortly after the saint was sent to Trujillo (city in northern Peru), where he dedicated himself to caring for the sick. In the hustle and bustle of friendly service he became close friends with an old woman who suffered from leprosy. That woman became his favorite daughter. It is said that Francisco accompanied her affectionately, always staying close to her and praying a lot to ensure her entrance to heaven.

“What you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops” (Mt 10:27)

When the time came to return to Lima, Francisco had already become an ‘apostle of plazas’. He was very good at speaking in public, without excessive qualms or exaggerations. The Plaza Mayor in Lima would soon become the meeting point for those who eagerly awaited his preaching.

And since he had a restless apostolic spirit, after each preaching he would tour the streets of the city, visiting workshops, houses, hospices, corrals inhabited by very humble people, barracks full of slaves, convents and monasteries. Everywhere he brought the joy that is experienced when Christ kindles the heart with charity and mercy.

Struck by a painful illness, San Francisco Solano left for the Father’s House on July 14, 1610, the day of Saint Buenaventura, a saint to whom he professed great devotion.

The universal Church celebrates its feast on July 14; while the Franciscan Order celebrates it on the 24th of the same month.

If you want to know more about this great saint, we recommend the following article from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

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#San #Francisco #Solano #catholic #saints

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