San Lorenzo reported that the deed to the Avenida La Plata land was lost | The response of a former manager – 2024-03-16 03:01:00

by times news cr

2024-03-16 03:01:00

The weather in Saint Lawrence It is hot, both on a football and political level. In the last hours, The club denounced that the previous management lost the original deed of the recovered land on Avenida La Plata and what to process a copy of this document will cost the institution one million pesos.

“We regret to inform members that The original deed of the land of Av. La Plata 1624/1770 plot 6B was lost by the previous management. Given this, San Lorenzo began the steps to report its loss and process the second testimony to replace it, leaving the original without any validity.”says the statement published by the club on its social networks.

The official text adds that “beyond the administrative act” that will require replacing the writing with a copy “It will be irreparable not to have the original document what did it mean end of a long road that culminated with the sanction of the Historical Restitution Law and subsequent deed of the lands of the Holy Land”.

The San Lorenzo leadership blamed the club’s previous management, led by Horacio Arrecigor, for what happened. “Management assumed The notary’s office that participated in the deed was asked to exhibit the original document to the new authorities. The result was obtaining a digital copy both the deed and the purchase-sale ticket. Later, toWhen requesting delivery of the original deed, the notary’s office reported that it was delivered to the Club authorities on December 22, 2020. exhibiting the corresponding receipt signed by a former leader at the time of retirement,” they detailed.

And they added that “Consulting different members of the former Board of Directors, none of them could locate the original writing“. For this reason, they continued, “San Lorenzo decided to initiate the process of reporting loss for the subsequent issuance of the second testimony to replace the original document, rendering it invalid.“. Doing this procedure, they explained in the statement, implies that ““The Club will also have to face the expense that amounts to almost 1,000,000 pesos.”

Shortly after this statement was released, the response from the previous management arrived. Miguel Mastrosimone —who began his duties at the club as secretary of the cycle of Matías Lammens and Marcelo Tinelli and was vice president during the term of Arreciygordenied that the writing had been lost.

On his social networks, the former director of San Lorenzo made his defense and stated: “THE SCRIPTURE IS NOT LOST. Simply because uA writing is not lost, but appears in its matrix that is in the power of the notary’s office. intervener (as arises from its definition in article 299 of the Unified Code). That’s why it’s called Public Deed. The first testimony or copy, which they now say is “lost,” is issued for legal circulation and allows the development of the powers and obligations it carries. For this reason, it was used for multiple administrative procedures that allowed the rezoning first and the demolition authorization later.”

And he points out that “The cost to make a second copy, equal to the first, is not $1,000,000, but $670,0000 “in accordance with registration and notarial fees and is subject to its extension.”

Finally, Mastrosimone maintains that “the writing was not lost, at least until December 26, 2023, when it was kept safe at the headquarters of the Institution.”

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