San Marino. Last concerts of a summer 2024 full of music and culture, discovering places and atmospheres of the territory with the Associazione Musicale Camerata del Titano

by time news

last concerts of a summer 2024 full of music and culture,

discovering places and atmospheres of the area

with the Camerata del Titano Musical Association

Monday 2nd September 9:15pm – Church of Sant’Antimo Borgo Maggiore

Splendors of the Baroque

String Concert Ensemble

edited by Enrico Casazza, Isabella Longo (violin),

Denis Shapovalov (cello)

Music by Telemann, Vivaldi, Haydn

Free entry


Tuesday 3 September at 9:15 pm – Church of San Lorenzo Talamello

Ensemble d’archi – String Concert Academy

Music by Telemann, Vivaldi, Haydn

Free entry


Wednesday 4th September at 5:30pm – Teatro Titano

String Concert Academy

Piano Master Fabrizio Di Muro

Music by Bach, Corelli, Tartini, Mozart, de Beriot, Lalo, Bartok, Snittke

Free entry

Between Baroque and Romanticism, rediscovering known and less known pages of great authors

with theinterpretation of gyoung musicians side by side and supported from great Masters which

Enrico Casazza (first violin of shoulder of “THE Musicians of the Prince of the Principality of Monaco),

Isabella Longo e Denis Shapovalov (winner dell’International Tchaikovsky Competition).

We are waiting for you!

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