Sánchez and Díaz overcome the obstacle of reducing the working day and ignore Catalonia

by time news

2023-10-24 23:53:19

Pact at midnight. Hurriedly, although the agreement had already been “mature” for days, according to a socialist minister, and therefore, they saw no room to delay it further. There was no surprise that PSOE and Sumar finally reached an alliance, but Sumar first wanted to stage the opposite. The main obstacle had been stuck for several weeks and it was not until this Monday at midnight when the work reduction was printed white on black with a round number – 37.5 hours per week – and the commitment to a specific date – in two years –, an essential condition. so that Sumar gave the “ok” to the PSOE to sign a coalition agreement and completely forget other important promises that Yolanda Díaz had clamored for during the electoral campaign.

The text agreed between Sánchez and Díaz ends, however, without any mention of the negotiation of the amnesty that the PSOE is forging with the pro-independence parties. According to negotiation sources, Catalonia is not an issue that affects the programmatic dynamics between the two partners. The agreement only mentions that “we will address the Catalan political conflict, promoting the political path through dialogue, negotiation and agreement between the parties that will allow us to overcome the current situation.”

PSOE and Sumar announced their agreement to reissue the Government coalition at almost eight in the morning with a 48-page programmatic document that would be signed by Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz at the Reina Sofía museum with photos of harmony between both leaders included. The bulk of the electoral pact ends up reinforcing the minority partner and even the acting President of the Government made this clear in his speech at the presentation. Yolanda Díaz was the first to present the agreement in a thorough manner throughout the social and labor part, while, after her, Pedro Sánchez recognized its exhaustiveness and continually referred to her partner in a very close manner. Both presented a coalition pact “for four years of legislature” and celebrated that “it was a great day.”

Díaz thus monopolized the Government’s labor discourse by committing to go from 40 to 37.5 hours of work per week, but not in 2024, as Sumar requested, but “progressively”, delaying the final objective to 2025. It will then be when “a table with the social partners will be established to evaluate the results of the reduction and continue to advance in the reduction of the legal working day, taking into account the characteristics of the different sectors of activity”, among others. According to negotiation sources, this will be done through a draft law to modify the Workers’ Statute. In exchange, the vice president cedes the universal inheritance to young people who turn 18, to limit the price of rent or the shopping basket, according to sources in the negotiation, who still call the agreement “very ambitious.” , more than the one signed in 2019 with Unidas Podemos.

The vice president also announced that the new Government will toughen the corporate tax to raise 10,000 million euros. The objective is for companies to pay an effective rate of 15% “on the accounting result”, that is, “on the profit they receive, not the one they say they receive,” she said. Díaz also advocated “reinforcing” taxes on banks and large companies, “readapting” the current tax. The pact also advocates maintaining the reduction in the price of transport passes in 2024.

The agreement also aims to promote the “reduction of domestic flights” on routes where there is a rail alternative in less than two and a half hours, with the exception of cases “of connection with hub airports that link with international routes.” The pact is also very extensive in terms of health. There will be a plan to strengthen primary care and reduce waiting lists for surgical operations. In mental health, key for those from Díaz, a maximum waiting time for consultations of 15 days is guaranteed for young people under 21 years of age. Universal education from zero to three years is also reflected in the agreement and will guarantee, in the Workers’ Statute, the increase in the interprofessional minimum wage so that it represents 60% of the average wage.

The reform of the Citizen Security law will be another bet after the failed reform. They promise to guarantee “the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.” The rule “will prioritize the guarantee of rights and the protection of citizens”, and will regulate “the right of assembly and demonstration, identification and body search, the use of preventive and dissuasive techniques, as well as the identification of agents”, among others.

The agreement between PSOE and Sumar advocates extending paternity and maternity leave to 20 weeks. They ensure the promotion of a care law in coherence with the European Care Strategy. The reform of regional financing, a commitment by the coalition Executive, includes a clause to guarantee that of the Valencian Community, although it does not specify how it will address regional underfinancing. In judicial matters, the text does not commit any measure to renew the CGPJ without the PP.

#Sánchez #Díaz #overcome #obstacle #reducing #working #day #ignore #Catalonia

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